Conquest of Middle Earth Part 2

Created by iamtaller (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/21/2016
Number of attempts: 832
Number of wins: 181
Number of likes: 29
Record holder: [V.I.W]*mtanzer* in 11 turns on 6/22/2016


After your victory in Arnor, Gondor's army wiped the army there out. Now Sauron has corrupted Saruman, one of the five wizards, into fighting Rohan. Take control of Saruman's army, along with the Dunlendings that he has convinced into helping him, and take over Rohan! Beware though, Saruman has been cutting down trees in Fangorn forest, and you might know who's anger that stirs up...