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My Games filter doesn't filter.: 2023-08-26 14:36:17

Level 55
Why does "only show active games where I'm not eliminated" flood me with with non-active games, where I have been eliminated?
Why must I view the final turn?

I only play real-time and this last required act is a nuisance.

image:: https://ibb.co/f0DTrdL

Edited 8/26/2023 14:48:33
My Games filter doesn't filter.: 2023-08-26 15:46:01

Level 63
One of 2 things might be causing this:

1) These games are "active" because they are finished and you haven't viewed the end-of-game popup yet.

2) If i remember correctly from some testing i did years ago, the filter doesnt have any effect if there are less than 5 total games.

Try changing the filter to "Games where it is my turn or have unread chat messages + real time" and see if that changes things.

Either way, its a good idea to just view those games once so they are then flagged as "done", otherwise you could end up in situations where you eventually have 100s of finished games on your dashboard cause you never watched their last turn.

Edited 8/26/2023 18:28:36
My Games filter doesn't filter.: 2023-08-26 18:22:53

Level 55
Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Tested all available filter options. None of them filter out those completed games.

Given that there's no reason to force people like me, who are uninterested in the final turn, to go check it out and how easy it would be to add such a filter, I'm considering this either a bug or oversight. Any idea how to get the developer's attention on this?

And yes, I could just clear them out as others have been forced to do, but I abhor poor design. Just my pet peeve.

Edited 8/26/2023 18:29:07
My Games filter doesn't filter.: 2023-08-26 18:41:00

bliss machine
Level 62
this change was made a few years ago. i remember suddenly having to go through each game to close the end screen. was quite annoying at the time but once the backlog is cleared you'll get used to doing it. no other way around afaik
My Games filter doesn't filter.: 2023-08-31 09:34:47

Level 55
Seems as though the filter options were removed altogether from my account. Do you still have filter options?
My Games filter doesn't filter.: 2023-08-31 23:43:57

Level 63
Appears for me, I have 5 games.
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