
 - In addition to panning, the camera will now also zoom in or out to best show you the selected order.  This can be configured on the Settings tab.
 - Map lists are now paginated.
 - When cards being played are fogged, but cards being held are un-fogged, the game now inserts "Soandso plays a card in the fog" entries in the orders list to keep card views consistent.
 - Partially-completed cards now start splitting themselves at the top instead of the right.
 - Fixed a few issues with the in-game graphs.  The vertical values now always line up, spacing was added around the edges, and fixed tooltips that appear at the bottom of the graph.
 - Fixed a bug with the My Games page that caused inconsistencies when sorting by game name when the game names started with numbers or symbols.
 - Fixed a bug which allowed players to decline and re-join to get around the 6-person non-member limit.
 - Fixed a bug that caused an error in single-player if the player hammered the Z hotkey multiple times in a row.
 - Added Rounding Mode setting.  See the blog for full details.
 - Added chat room under the Community tab.
 - Changed the forum formatting system from Markdown to BBCode.
 - The seasonal ladder now makes an effort to pair up players who joined the ladder late with each other first, instead of joining them directly with the established players.
 - The seasonal ladder now weights players overall win record more highly when determining who they will get paired with.  This helps undefeated players get matched against other undefeated players.
 - Players who are inactive for more than 20 days are now automatically removed from ladders.  They will be sent an e-mail notifying them of this event.
 - The automatic zooming now zooms 20% less far in.
 - Changed the way that Flash authenticates with the website to a more secure method.
 - Fixed a bug that occurred when you clicked a map review's edit button multiple times.
 - Fixed a bug with the lobby that made the headers be mis-aligned over the player names.
 - Fixed a bug that could make your income go negative when negative sanctions took it over 2 billion.  Instead, your income will just be 0, which still isn't correct but at least it will no longer break the game.
 - Fixed a bug that made the browser hang if you tried to graph a game's statistics before the first turn completed.
 - Fixed a bug that gave an error if you tried to use the Statistics panel during territory distribution.
 - Fixed a bug with the in-game map browser that caused maps to show the wrong page when changing filters.
 - Fixed a bug that occurred if you clicked "okay" in the attack/transfer dialog and pressed enter immediately after.
 - Fixed a bug that caused an error message if you sent a message over 1024 characters to tournament chat.
 - Fixed a bug that caused an error message when loading history on games that had turns where no players entered an order.
 - Fixed a bug that caused an error message if you clicked re-do orders but then all opponents committed orders and the game refreshed before you clicked confirm.
 - The Map page now has links to start both single and multi-player games using that map.
 - The vacations page now shows how many vacations you've used this year and how many remain.
 - Loading a finished auto-save single-player game now causes it to record the win on your profile.  This is useful if you lost internet connection when it tried to record the win the first time.
 - Made a small change to the camera so it doesn't move as often when trying to focus on territories near the edge of the map.
 - Added a horizontal scroll bar to the map preview so distributions with long names can be seen entirely.
 - The sign-in page now defaults the "keep me signed in" box to checked.  This helps prevent session timeout problems.
 - Fixed a bug that could cause private messages to duplicate if you hit enter multiple times.
 - Fixed a bug that made the "Okay" button of the attack/transfer dialog not work if you first tried to issue an attack of 0 orders.
 - Fixed a bug that would cause the "team chat pending" flag to stay stuck on if you declined a game without reading team chat, were removed by the host before you could read the team chat, or if the host swapped you from a team with unread team chat to a team with no team chat at all.
 - Fixed a bug that could cause the "team chat pending" flag to stay stuck on if the player's internet connection was unreliable.
 - Fixed a bug that could cause the attack/transfer dialog to think you clicked the okay button when you actually clicked elsewhere.
 - Fixed a bug that could cause an error message when changing a development map to testing if it had a newly-created issue preventing it from being changed.
 - Fixed a bug that caused an error if you tried to add someone to your invite list after your session had timed out.