 - Added the "multi-player dashboard" page.  
 - Added map of the week.
 - The MP dashboard page has a feature for multi-day players.  When you click on any multi-day game where it is your turn, when you finish taking your turn, you'll see a a "next game" button to take you to the next one in the list.  This makes it possible to play your turn in all of your multi-day games without continually returning to the My Games or dashboard page after each one.
 - The sub-tabs on the Single Player and Multi-Player tabs are now implemented in html instead of flash.  This enables the ability to right-click and select "open in new tab" which was not possible before.  
 - Added a new filter to the My Games page, just called "Default".  It shows active games where you are not eliminated, or games with unread chat,  always excluding declined and removed-by-host games.  This is also the default filter for the new MP Dashboard page.
 - Added a new sort option to the My Games page, called "Actionable".  It sorts games where it is your turn to the top, then games with unread private chat, then games with unread team chat, then games with unread public chat, then games with none of the above.  This is also the sort used by the new MP Dashboard page.
 - Fixed a bug that caused the WarLight logo in the upper-left to get split in half if your browser was zoomed in or out.
 - Fixed a bug that caused the rematch button to not work for coin games.
 - Fixed links to profiles from map reviews.
 - Fixed wiki search on the Help tab.
 - iOS: Fixed a bug that caused errors on devices that used a right-to-left locale.

 - Added "Active games where you are not eliminated" to My Games filters and MP Dashboard
 - MP Dashboard: Added (F5) after the refresh button, to show that it can be activated with F5.
 - MP Dashboard: Moved the refresh button to be above the ad, if ads are enabled.
 - MP Dashboard: Shows up to 15 games without clicking +more if on the real-time tab.
 - MP Dashboard: Don't show blog posts older than a month.
 - MP Dashboard: Reduced font sizes.
 - MP Dashboard: Added links to create game and create coin games pages.
 - MP Dashboard: Added a big dot over the boxes for players who haven't yet taken their turn.
 - MP Dashboard: Show the number of "my games" in parenthesis next to it.
 - Moved the My Games and Open Games tabs to the right.
 - Fixed a bug that caused the information line to be missing from the Open Games tab.
 - Fixed a bug when viewing the settings of a single-player game that caused the "Boot/Surrender" header to appear.