 - Ladders: Uses TrueSkill instead of Bayeselo for 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3.
 - Ladders: Ratings update immediately after each game ends.
 - Ladders: Ratings are now stored as floating point numbers, not rounded to nearest integer for more accuracy.
 - Ladders: It's now possible for multiple players to share the same rank if their ratings are identical.
 - Ladders: Added Leagues
 - Ladders: The end game window now shows your ladder rating change, current rank, league changes, and nearby players.
 - Ladders: Updated Rewards (on leagues and ranks).
 - Ladders: UI integrated into app.
 - Ladders: Games are created more quickly.
 - Ladders: Can join 2v2 and 3v3 ladders as an individual
 - Ladders: A boot now immediately removes you from the ladder.  You can re-join.
 - Ladders: Boot times reduced.
 - Ladders: Seasonal ladder now 60 days instead of 75, and always starts right after the previous season ends.
 - Ladders: 1v1 and 3v3 templates now uses a prettier, but identical, map
 - Ladders: Refreshed ladder notification options.
 - Ladders: Note: You can participate in the new ladder system from an old version of the app, but some Idle rewards won't be earned if you do that.  If missing out on idle rewards bothers you, wait until your app is running 5.24 before participating in the new ladders.
 - Classic: When joining a open game with a custom scenario, players now get an option to pick what slot they want to join instead of being randomly assigned one.
 - Classic: Added a game setting for custom scenario games called "Randomized slots".
 - Classic: Mega games can now use custom scenarios as long as they use the new Randomized Slots checkbox.
 - Classic: Added the ability to sort friends by how recently they've been online.
 - Classic: Added the ability to view who is online when forwarding tournament invites.
 - Classic: Added the ability to view who is online when searching for players by name.
 - Classic: Added the ability to turn off the chat dialog in the app settings.  Also increased the threshold for when the chat dialog will open.
 - Classic: Fixed allowing nudging someone right after adding them to a game.
 - Classic: When hovering over the clock in the upper right corner, it now explains which timer is the turn timer and which is the banked timer.
 - Classic: Fixed a bug with quickmatch where templates could forget your checked state if they were voted out, then you updated a different template, then they were voted back in.
 - Classic: Fixed mega games getting laggy when the clock is updating every second.
 - Classic: Fixed tournament creation so it doesn't give negative player counts anymore when dragging sliders too far to the right.
 - Classic: Fixed green online circle so it's visible on players with the green color.
 - Classic: Fixed orders not saving after being set by a mod.
 - Classic: Fixed a bug that allowed wunderwaffe to pass negative armies as an attack.
 - Unity: Added the ability to report players directly from the app instead of having to be redirected to the website.
 - Unity: When inviting players to a tournament, added the ability to sort players by several different things instead of only offering sort by name.
 - Unity: Fixed "map not in memory" error that could rarely come up when creating games.
 - Website: Moved Ladders, Tournaments, and Clan Wars links from Community to Multi-Player.
 - Website: Added "critical sounds" volume control to app settings menu so the volume of the turn advance sound can now be adjusted.
 - Website: Inviting players to a tournament now uses UJS so that it gets the new features added to this page.
 - Website: Fixed P and M hotkeys for zooming (short for plus and minus)
 - Website: Fixed size of the yellow highlight in the attack/transfer dialog so it doesn't get super huge when few armies are attacking.
 - Website: Fixed yellow "0" not being shown when attacking with a commander and 0 armies.
 - All: When inviting players to your clan, a green circle now shows accounts that are online.
 - All: Fully removed Facebook and Apple sign in options (all players were notified months ago).  If you lost access to your account, use the "Forgot password" option with your e-mail address.  If you never set up an email on your account, contact Warzone at https://www.warzone.com/Contact
 - Idle: Fixed "dismiss all" button so it doesn't re-appear after balloons are closed.
 - Idle: Fixed a bug when conquering the last territory of the map that could make bonus icons not disappear.
 - Idle: Fixed a bug that made auto dig not correctly record its progress during a long absense.
 - Idle: Fixed a bug that could cause errors when money/s is negative.
 - Mods: Mods can now use the "#" operator to get the length of a Warzone-provided dictionary, like Map.Territories.
 - Mods: Fixed UI.IsDestroyed() so it's now aware of objects created by previous script invocations.
 - Mods: Improved error message received if an invalid color string is provided.
 - API: The GameIDFeed API now only returns games in the last 30 days for the 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 ladders.
 - Unity: Fixed a memory leak, which most strongly effected 3d maps.
 - Android: Fixed certificate error.
 - Classic: Converted 12 hours of ladder's banked time into fixed time.
 - Classic: Updated ladder rewards to encompass more players.
 - Classic: Ladder pages now show the name of the template so you don't have to click the button to see what it is.
 - Classic: Seasonal ladder pages now show the start and end date.
 - Classic: Fixed ladder removing players on auto-commit.
 - Classic: Fixed ladder "..." row to only appear when there's a legit jump in players.
 - Classic: Fixed the boot percentage displayed on profile.  It now properly takes into account games where a player was booted multiple times, or a game where they were booted into an AI, or a game where they were booted but their team won.
 - Classic: Fixed randomized slots in community levels.
 - Classic: Fixed single-player "try again" button on levels with randomized slots.
 - Classic: Fixed the performance of the ladder page for very active players by showing a sample of their rating/rank history instead of all of it.
 - Classic: Fixed deleted accounts not being removed from active games.
 - Idle: Fixed a bug that could cause the daily door dialog to get stuck open if you can't use the power that was granted.
 - Idle: Fixed 100% hospital upgrade time reduction.
 - Idle: Fixed "No session 2" error.
 - Idle: Fixed the armies/money hover rapidly appearing and disappearing when holding a smaller device in landscape mode.
 - Website: Fixed numpad "." button.
 - Website: Fixed map of the week text "1 votes" -> "1 vote"
 - Website: Fixed excessive decimal places on graphs.
 - Website: Removed note about moved links under the community tab.
 - Mods: Special units with a negative combat order will now fight before armies on that territory.
 - Mods: Added WL.TickCount() for measuring the passage of time accurately.
 - Mods: Fixed a bug that made a generic error if GetTurn was called with an invalid turn number.  Now it simply calls you back with nil.
 - Mods: Fixed Game.Orders returning orders for the previous turn if called right after a turn advanced.
 - API: Fixed Query Game API on custom scenario games.
 - Idle: Fixed 100% mortar upgrade time reduction.