 - All: Added new premium colors available for purchase: Goldenrod, Cinnamon, Mahogany, and Rain Forest.
 - All: Added links to the features you've voted on to profile pages.
 - All: Added the option for map designers to exclude some bonuses from assigning territories their bonus color.
 - All: When a territory has multiple bonuses assigned with colors, it now picks the bonus with the fewest territories for its stroke color instead of picking one arbitrarily.
 - All: Added explanation for clan icon in the player popup, along with a link to the clan by clicking the icon.
 - All: When a new mod goes live, it's now announced in the global chat room.
 - Unity: Forums now display the last poster and last post date on the right if the screen is wide enough to fit it.
 - Unity: Refactored the way Idle integrates with the main Warzone app.  It's now a tab on the main menu.  Removed the option to start up directly in Idle -- instead, the app will always start on the main menu and idle can be selected in the lower right corner.  Double-tap this tab to launch straight into your most recent level.
 - Classic: When an open game expires, the blue box on the lobby now contains a "renew open seats" button for the game creator that will re-list the game on the Open Games tab. 
 - Classic: Added achievements for defeating a player from different countries or US states.
 - Classic: When creating a tournament, you can now filter on templates by typing in their name.
 - Classic: Custom scenario games with manual distribution now properly set armies on territories not picked to the value in the custom scenario.
 - Classic: Opening a game from the open-games page that just started will now give you a message telling you that the game started without you, instead of leaving players on a fogged map.
 - Classic: Cleaned up clock hover dialog so it lines up into columns and looks less messy in big games.
 - Classic: Updated quickmatch tutorial to be more clear for new players.
 - Classic: Added a balloon to promote the updated Export To YouTube feature.  It will only appear once per device.
 - Classic: Fixed a bug that could cause an error when clicking history's "perspective" button when viewing a game from which you were removed by the host.
 - Website: Fixed wrapping text on tournament forward invites page.
 - Website: Fixed a bug that caused an error if a non-member kept checking the boxes of member-only mods when making a game.
 - Idle: If you're waiting for a battle to start and it doesn't get enough players to start, you'll now be awarded 10 battle points as a consolation prize for helping to try and start the battle.
 - Idle: Empty mercenary camps are now hidden from the list when loading a level.
 - Idle: Battles and challenges are now accessed by buttons on the path instead of tabs.
 - Idle: Fixed the auto artifact swapper trying to swap out some artifacts as you're activating them.