 - All: Added groups.  See blog for full details.
 - All: Added a basic forum search feature.
 - All: Clan wars now gives free wins to players whose clan-mates got a game on that timeslot, up to a maximum of one free win per clan per timeslot.
 - All: Fixed order of clan war timeslots so that the newest timeslots are always shown on the first page.
 - All: Fixed order of clan war games so that free wins are inserted into their correct location.
 - All: Fixed forum post creation allowing players to type in more characters into the subject than the subject allows.
 - Idle: If no arena opponent can be found after about a minute of waiting, you'll now win the arena without playing a game.
 - Idle: Fixed challenges not showing as completed until the page was refreshed.
 - Classic: Added a "Delete" button to the attack/transfer dialog when playing in no-split mode that deletes the currently opened order.
 - Classic: When viewing opponent's cards, it now shows all player's cards at once rather than requiring you to click each person's name.
 - Classic: In the no-luck analyze dialog, the number you selected is now highlighted green.
 - Classic: Added a "Game Start" line in the chat so it's easy to see what chat was sent before the game started versus after.
 - Classic: Fixed the turn numbers displayed in chat, they were displaying 1 too high before.
 - Classic: Fixed the "random slots" game creation option so it can't be used along with "let players pick territories" since that combination could result in errors when starting a game.  Now, the random slots option is presented as a third distribution option when custom scenarios are checked, and the options were re-worded to make them clearer.  To make this page cleaner, the custom scenario option was also moved to the top of the page, since the text below it depends on what is selected for custom scenario.
 - Classic: Fixed invite-by-code games not allowing more than 24 players to join.
 - Classic: Fixed deleted accounts showing up on quickmatch leaderboard.
 - Classic: Fixed showing your current ladder rating in the end-game dialog of seasonal ladder games (it used to say "unknown")
 - Website: Fixed large images in feature request forum so they're now sized down to the width of the page to be fully visible.  Only fixed for posts created/edited after this update.
 - Website: Fixed a bug that sometimes made the fog texture not appear in Firefox.
 - Unity: Updated the Idle icon on the main menu so its style matches the others around it.
 - Unity: Fixed back button/gesture causing all tabs to go back instead of just the current tab.
 - Unity: Fixed showing too many decimal points when editing ladder data to show on your profile.
 - Mods: Added support for modded templates to the CreateGame API
 - Mods: Added proper support for neutral special units.
 - Mods: Fixed GameOrderCustom.TurnPhase not correctly persisting in multi-player.
 - Mods: Fixed lua global state not persisting in some cases on the website.