 - Classic: Added Clan Rumble series of mega-games.  See the blog for full details.
 - Classic: Mega games that are in-progress now show the number of active players on the My Games page, in the format "active players / total players"
 - Classic: Seasonal ladder length increased from 60 to 65 days.
 - Classic: When exporting a game to YouTube, it now includes a legend showing each player's name and color in the top right corner.
 - Classic: When you get auto-committed in a multi-day game, you'll now get a popup the next time you open the game explaining that you were auto-committed.  This helps new players understand what is going on, such as why all of their armies may not have been deployed.
 - Classic: Fixed armies/turn figure displayed for overridden bonuses in bonus popup after clicking "View map" in the settings dialog.
 - Classic: Fixed overlapping army numbers in youtube-exported videos.
 - Classic: Fixed names sometimes being blank in 3v3s in youtube-exported videos.
 - Classic: Fixed the AI trying to move its commander even if it doesn't control the territory the commander is on (which can happen with mods)
 - Mods: Mods can now control the fog level of individual territories.  See the blog for full details.
 - Mods: Fixed a bug that could make a generic warzone error instead of a mod failed error if you tried to set a property on a destroyed object (for example, Button's SetInteractable)
 - All: When exporting a game to YouTube while at your youtube-video-upload limit, you now get a friendly message explaining that you're at your limit.
 - All: The "open groups" page no longer filters groups you're already in.
 - All: Retired map of the week.
 - Unity: Fixed allowing multiple idle tabs if you set your default open screen to idle.
 - Idle: Fixed Army Camp Boost artifact so it now affects draft size when swapped in with the Auto Artifact Swapper.
 - Idle: Fixed purchasing a rare artifact from saying it was epic.
 - Website: Fixed the "hide lottery game" button from showing on the Filtered Open Games page.
 - Babylon: Major performance improvement
 - Babylon: Fixed overlapping attack arrow visual glitch.