 - Classic: Quickmatch now includes a 41st template in the voting, which is a weighted random template from ranks 41 through 60 that's changed once per week.
 - Classic: Members may now create a multi-player game based on the state of an existing multi-player game at a specific turn.
 - Classic: Improved settings dialog.  The "summary dialog" and "full settings dialog" have now merged into a single dialog, which has been cleaned up and allows toggling between showing full settings or just the preview, which also now saves.
 - Classic: Added a hotkey to switch between viewing picks of different players in manual-distribution games. (number keys)
 - Classic: Clan Rumble games are no longer practice games and therefore now award points/achievements.  They also let you hold more cards and gift cards were removed.
 - Classic: Increased size of legend in youtube-exported videos.
 - Classic: Fixed a bug that could make army numbers appear wrong if you changed a player's color while watching a turn play out.
 - Classic: Fixed income breakdown from including deployed armies when you select it from the lower-right players list.
 - All: Slightly lowered font size of "average game length" labels.
 - All: When searching the forum, the input box now focuses by default to save you a click.
 - All: Map pages now specify at which level they unlock.
 - All: Minimum territory count for maps going public is now 20 instead of 30.
 - All: Fixed "x players queued" number when viewing started clan war timeslots that contained free wins.
 - All: Fixed sorting by resolved date in the feature request forum.
 - Standalone: Fixed tooltips appearing while map is animating into position.
 - Website: Fixed browser url briefly showing an invalid url when clicking the Idle button.
 - Website: Fixed /Notifications/ reload loop.
 - Website: Fixed some mods not having their UI laid out properly.
 - Babylon: Added 3d mode as an official setting on the website under Account Settings.
 - Babylon: Fixed error message that's displayed if WebGL is disabled in your browser so it explains that you need to enable WebGL.
 - Babylon: Fixed more army number overlap issues in attack animations.
 - Mods: Mods can now create radio buttons.
 - Mods: Lua errors in the browser now give stack traces with line numbers in the mod-crashed dialog.
 - Mods: Client_PresentPlayCardUI now gives mods the ability to close the cards dialog.
 - Mods: GameOrderEvents that modify fog now say so in the event's tooltip.
 - Mods: If the auto booter can't boot a player in a game due to a broken mod for 5 days straight, the game will now automatically end.
 - Mods: Fixed Client_GameOrderCreated not being able to read territory picks in manual distribution games.
 - Mods: Fixed WL.enumtype.ToString() functions.
 - Mods: Fixed Client_PresentPlayCardUI not registering Mod and UI hooks if it was called before other client hooks.
 - Mods: Fixed an error if you set number of card pieces to 0 or negative.
 - Mods: Fixed GameOrderAirliftResult.Results throwing an error instead of returning nil when there are no results yet.
 - Mods: Fixed allowing GameOrderAttackTransferResult.ActualArmies to be set to a negative number.
 - Mods: Fixed "can't transfer to a neutral" error that occurred when a mod resurrected a failed transfer.
 - API: In the SetMapDetails API, specifying a color is now optional when making a bonus.