Beta phase 14: - The Gift card is now available. - Flash performance improvements. - Added a "Hide Orders" checkbox to the history dialog. When enabled, stepping through the history is significantly faster. - New server architecture: The server code has been re-architected so it can scale. - Loading image added to the Flash loading screen. - The map no longer zooms out on resize events. - The wait spinner now dims the screen instead of overlaying it with white. - The My Games page now shows how long a game has been waiting even if it's not your turn. - The main game screen's left column was tweaked. The Selected Item panel was bottom-aligned so it does not jump around on high resolution screens. - AIs on a team now pick the player to use cards randomly rather than assigning a single player to use them all. - Changes to strategic 1v1 template: Neutrals in distribution was reduced from 6 to 5. Number of wastelands was increased from 5 to 6. Existing games or tournaments were not affected - just new ones. - The deployment slider setting now defaults to 10 for new players instead of 15. - The friends list now does a case insensitive sort. - Level 4 tweaked to be slightly easier. - Fixed a bug that caused bonus links to display an incorrect color on a few maps. - Fixed a bug that caused random teams to not work on the Single Player tab. - Fixed a bug on the Invitation Network that caused some names to be unreadable. - Fixed a bug that caused the Airlift card to show one more army available for airlift than really was. - Fixed a bug that caused the deploy visuals to sometimes show the wrong number while building your turn. - Fixed a bug that occurred when clicking "View History" from the chat panel on the very last turn of a game. - Fixed a bug that caused the armies to be displayed incorrectly when switching between multiple teammate's orders. - Fixed a bug that made the Invitation Network not render for players who were not invited by another player. - Fixed a bug in the map designer that made the "Missing bonus link" message appear incorrectly sometimes.