Say Player picks Orange then he will be orange for the rest of the game The way of elimination is that the UFE ( up for elimination) will be determined by random. A random polling website is used to avoid favouritism.
No 2 people can't be the same color
If you want to join please say below and what your Colo(u)r will be
There is bad and good luck in this game
How the randomiser poll is used
1-5 people are chosen for UFE Everyone votes ( non players can vote too!) The person with the most votes will be eliminated for the rest of the game.
Each elimination event happens each day at a random time
Rejoins and debuts
Rejoins and Debut will happen in chance but not randomly they will be predetermined to round 6 and 13 , 17
More info
-Before a game starts you can change your Colo(u)r as many time as you like -Elimination , Debut and Rejoin will use pollcode instead of being randomised -Elimination will use the randomiser on who will get to UFE
Player List TBest : Orchid [ELIMINATED] A Talking Fan : Red-Orange GenrealGror : Dark Grey[ELIMINATED] Benjamin628: Dark Green[ELIMINATED] Kur : Crimson MightySpeck : School bus Yellow [ELIMINATED] Genghis : Tyrian Purple[ELIMINATED] OxTheArtist:Light Purple [ELIMINATED] Tyrion Lannister : (Pigeon) Blood-Red [ELIMINATED] Red: Brown [ELIMINATED] Thomas 663:Green [ElIMINATED Eklipse : Cyan buddybob : Magenta
We have enough players now , the elimination event will happen today at a random time and nothing happens in between. So talk about your fav colors etc.
Ah, what can I say about Dark Grey? The endless battle between light and dark that rages endlessly can be summed up concisely. The cruel beauty of the product of this conflict is shown to be leaning toward the dark side. The dark side is winning! This is not Mos Eisley on Assault, where the light has the advantage. The irrepressible surge of darkness cannot be stopped easily, but it is held fast (with some difficulty). The equilibrium, although skewed, is held strong in this colour. The power. The potential. The shade. Dark Grey!