OxTheArtist you are absolutely right!
Oh sorry, my mistake! This is absolute Bull****!
So the thread is that Off-topic is F*** UP? When did you come to this conclusion? For me it took 3-days! And does this thread now improve something, especially the labelling part of people? You just proved you are exactly like any other spammer here? + Giving more and more voice to those who yearn for it!
Here is the real evidence!
- Making useless thread
- Labeling people by their belief, character, country
And I wonder, have you seen this video thus far? If, not! Welcome to the internet! I could add that to 80% of threads made here desipte the section! Will it improve something? Hardly!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DggAXSv53QcThere are only two options!
- Fizzer to find someone to edit-moderate the forum OR
- simply Turn it off forever - and only visit every 3-months to see nothing change, except more trolls!
What are the benefits of forum?
- To find trolls and blacklist, so they cant join your game and you wont be able to see theirs + PM-s
- To find ignorant people you know to stay away and presumambly of their clan (to me has been really beneficial)
- And thats the only use of this forum! Unless you are really into feeble minded and ignorant people!
*The artist and the song? Not in a bad way wannabee rappar, but he is so hard trying to make an impression. Its not fun, not artistic, not anything. Just loads of hand shaking and rhymes that mean nothing nor even rhyme good. Although he has potential and good voice - just needs a decent message, better recording (as this was done clearly with 100 $ mic) and decent movements or NO VIDEO AT ALL.