Level 63
Ok, this thread has gone from a reasonable concern to an absolute mess. At this point, it's up to Fizzer whether he wants to remove the map, or keep it. Since he hasn't bothered to respond or delete the map at this point, I believe he has accepted it as a legitimate map. I'm fine with people upvoting/downvoting the map. I still personally believe that Fridge should deserve all the credit for the map save for the publishing, which is still under RA's name. But all the sucking up and arguments in this thread not even related to the subject at hand are not needed and not welcome.
The thread was designed to raise awareness to RA stealing Fridge's map. I don't think stealing is a strong word: both maps are pretty much identical. Fridge had been working on it for a year, and never got around to publishing it. The thread started off with good ideas: sanctioning the map, downvoting it, etc. But now it seems to have just become a competition to see how people outdo others in posting radical and hateful messages. The sheer stupidity of this thread can be pretty much summed up by the quotes below. Not going to name the people I have quoted here, but it's going to be pretty easy to find them regardless...
"You lost, everybody hates you, your map will fail, just accept it and move on"
"RA has been given 'Trophy: Create a beautiful map'. I propose to take it back from him as a punishment for thivery and absolute lack of any remorses."
"And noone cares, you are still an ass and leave now."
First of all, he had already earned the trophy for creating great maps, far before this. I was kind of annoyed that RA made a ton of alts to upvote a map the community felt should have been rated lower. But with all the unnecessary whining, hateful comments, and idiocy mentioned above, I don't even mind that he lowered the. I just wish you could flag or report comments such as the ones above, so I wouldn't have to see such flawed posts. As for the last one, the comment is so ironic, I almost laughed. That comment is so unneeded that it just makes the author the bigger asshole.
Another thing: people don't even have things to argue. Lately people have been posting contradicting opinions for the sake of argument, or just to get attention. See Page 7 for proof, which unfortunately may not remain the last page of this thread for long. There are plenty other social media sites where you can hide behind a probably fake profile and spout random nonsense.
here comes the fanboy
You mean the fanboys, this thread was already populated by suck-ups trying to get specific attention. Example? Here's one:
"Yup, joining the bandwagon of people who are dissing this map. From the weaksauce creator of this game: Note: If you're writing something negative, please keep it constructive and explain your reasoning.. I got an idea. How about making your own map? Also its not that great a map anyway, still would have only got three."
Bullshit, if Fridge had made it, you'd probably rate it a 5 and gush over how amazing the map was. It is is a great map no matter the creator, and lying through your teeth to seem favorable to the popular opinion is just pathetic. The fact that you'd list yourself as "joining the bandwagon" is already in itself a valid point to just disregard anything after that phrase.
If Ra had just handled it a little better, Fridge wouldn't have been so salty
Fridge already stated what he would have found to be an acceptable way of notifying him that his map as being copied. If I spent so much time on creating a good map only to find it copied by another player, I'd be pretty pissed as well. Not to mention anyone else with half a sense of pride.
Essentially, you see a lot of butt-kissing which is evident from the comments paraphrasing or implying the same opinions already voiced by others but with more bias towards one party, or trying to make one side appear more justifiable than the other. Again, not needed and not wanted. And even though sucking-up already looks stupid, you can always voice support for the person you favor without slandering the other. Doing both just makes you appear pretentious.
TL;DR - Don't argue for the sake of arguing and deferring to popular opinion without formulating your own opinion and reasons for it first. It just makes you look like an idiot.
@WM TheBox-Box-Box-Box-Box-Box, Fridge actually made the map, so you're also copying from him. What a hypocrite...