Theoretical question!
- Is it allowed to create and upload a map where all territories are not connected as whole. Meaning like Territory Islands* (closed islands), which cannot be accessed, if player has not any territories at particual Island. In real term game situation it might lead to draw!
- Is it even possible or MapEditor would not permit me making it public?
- Or can I at least play them as a Test rounds?
I have not made any custom scenarios, but as far as I understand its not possible to edit map in that way. I can only write guidelines to play. I can simulate this situation or gameplay via custom scenario or just making connection but altering it with bonuses: like -X income. I just find it more convenient to make a map with the particular game-style I have in mind rather than work with altering other functions (custom scenario and Bonus alteration). Even if it only would be a Test map, as I can play it there and invite - is it possible?
If it is not allowed or impossible? What´s the main problem? Giving too much power to map-creating (even if the description would be clear and map understandable) or just the risk of false-tricky map making for Lottery and rigged setting hosts? Or the possibility of Endless Draw that might be the caused by the lack of decency here? Although basically I can create those games with work-arounds like mentioned above scenario and bonus alteration it would be nice to have particual map.
Thank you in advance for your reply Fizzer!
*Everyone is free to steal the idea in Template and Map version :)