Don't like the ads? Get a membership.
Ads are inappropriate? It's your fault.
It's not your fault? It's your fault.
You're a young person and think it's wrong? Why are you on this site that has gambling then?
You're an adult and think it's wrong? You have a job and can buy a membership.
Learn to read Genghis :)
Eklipse I wasn't only talking about Poonsquad. Once again, learn to read.
I would laugh manically if because of them we lost adverts and this game was shut down though. I'd then create Warlight 2.0 with decent moderator powers and active devs who communicate :D. That really is all this game needs lol. Would sort out 99.9% of the issues.
Just making conversation Hymen, not trying to derail
Forums are not for general conversation unless that is what the thread is about.
Once again. Moderators with powers.