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What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 17:04:49

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
What I don´t get,is wtf is your problem with Nicki Minaj?
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 17:53:51

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
She and Young Money have been fucking up rap for a while. I don't have a problem with a rapper having a song about partying every once in a while but it's all that these guys do. Not to mention the lack of skill she has.
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 17:59:37

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
He has no lack of skill.Compare her to Miley Cyrus-this hoe has a huge lack of skill.
But Nicki is just being herself.And you can´t be yourself without being at least
a bit crazy.Her rap is good;she´s proud on her heritage,and uses Caribbean slang-but
you won´t know how Caribbean slang sounds,´cause you´ve never been there.
So this can´t be your problem with her.To specify:
Why exactly do the US-Americans don´t like her?
(This is off-topic and this is interesting to find out.)
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 18:01:39

Fugg ebin tbh xDD
Level 21
Because she makes horrible music.
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 18:03:57

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Why?-Why do you exactly don´t like her music?


Doesn´t this sound good?

Edited 7/20/2015 18:04:53
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 18:06:41

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 18:13:57

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Ok,every singer and star has at least 1 bad song...But tough,what else is making you
disliking her?
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 18:56:55

Level 46
I heavily dislike her songs. All of her songs.
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 19:04:35

Level 59
i never heard nicki minaj, i watched her butt jiggle with the sound muted. i just assume it's awful because it's pop music, and she seems to be more focused on selling her body than making music. no, im not gonna give her a chance, she's extremely far down on my list of music to explore.
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 19:20:41

Level 54
She's pretty skilled tbh.
But the issue is she wastes her talent and like shyb said often focuses on her body rather her art. As for young money, i believe you're talking about lil Wayne*shrug*, almost all rappers have been doing that lately. I like a good Ole party song now and then, or a song that is just fun (lifestyle comes to mind. That chorus cracks me up everytime).

In the end, these days I'll try switching it to rock. If nothing good is on, I'll put in the aux cord and jam out to weezer.
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 19:21:09

Level 54
Points if you caught the hidden weezer ref.
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 19:43:58

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 42
I dislike her for two reasons:

1. I am more of a classical music fan. Probably my favorite modern song is "one day". Rap is just very fast, and therefore I don't understand the lyrics. And most of the time after I see the lyrics, it seems very inappropriate.

2. Minaj seems to sexualize herself, and wear very revealing clothing. I don't like rap, but watching her videos seems to be more atune to basically sex videos set to rap.

My taste is more into things such as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0sgKCetlb8
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 21:47:49

Level 56
Chaikovski, you know what's up.
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 22:21:41

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 23:03:56

Level 46
I prefer 70-80's rock and 80's pop
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-20 23:31:44

Level 55
Best singer ever ;) jk not best but i really like her and i bet if Chaikovski would see a loke on the future when he see nicki minaj danceing with her music he would creat hip hop alot earlier jk :PPP

Juicy J young money YG Tracy T i like more

Edited 7/20/2015 23:40:02
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-21 00:28:09

Thomas 633
Level 56
She looks like a *****. Don't sell yourself that way, just sing (or use random words).
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-21 01:13:08

Level 55
of course i like more the songs but man...that body
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-21 03:51:40

Level 56
What´s your problem with Nicki Minaj?!?!: 2015-07-21 05:27:35

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Her body is ten percent plastic.
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