Oh you know what map I'm talking about. "World Nations 2012." Go to the Open Games tab and you're bound to find this map. Most world diplomacy games are played on this map, and it's everywhere. And if you don't know what map I'm referencing, maybe you need a refresher. It looks a little like something you'd find on a spaceship. It's terrible:
Let me give you a few reasons why this map sucks. Like, really bad.
1.) What is this? Maps should have clean, authentic shapes, not something out of a modern Call of Duty game. For gods sake, Norway looks like a weapon, and Denmark looks like Germany's ponytail. Don't even get me started on Japan. What is that? An alien banana? It doesn't even begin to look like a real area of land. Please, keep real world maps looking like just that: real world maps. And another thing: It's all black and gray. Why? It makes it look dull and boring. Make the bonuses different colors, and make things stand out.
2.) Oh God. The bonuses. Why? Just why? There is a reason that bonuses exist. And that reason is not to have one on every single territory on the map. It's ridiculous. But here's the kicker: not only does EVERY territory have its own bonus, *cringe* but they're not even balanced! Why on Earth is Michigan worth more than Portugal, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, New Zealand and 3 times as much (yes, 3) as Slovakia, Iceland, and half of the African countries? Why is Taiwan worth 50 (as much as Norway) while Finland is worth 30? TAIWAN IS WORTH MORE THAN FINLAND. None of this is politically, economically, or geographically correct. It's not even correct by means of population. The bonus issue in conjunction with the color issue makes things very, very confusing. I am pretty decent at geography, but the first couple times I played this, I had to use a map to find out what territories were part of my country. This can ruin games because nobody knows what the heck is going on.
3.) Don't even bother getting your hopes up for a diplo game on this map. If you are not China, Russia, or USA, quit. You lose. Like I said before, the map is so unbalanced. One of these countries' territories is as much as some people's entire slot. At least make it like "Modern Europe" (
https://www.warlight.net/Map/11077-Modern-Europe) where Bulgaria, for example is worth 100 armies to make up for it making the majority of a certain slots' territories. But even that doesn't have a bonus on every territory. *another cringe*
4.) All in all, with all due respect to the creator, this map is awful. I hate it. And it wouldn't be half as bad if it wasn't used for every game that uses the entire world. I just can't stress it enough: stop. Please. I can't look at this map anymore. I'm tired of it. You don't even have to change the eye-straining shapes. Just make the bonuses multi-territoried, color coded, and balanced. Don't make an island country off the coast of China that means nothing to the person controlling China (because of their unbalanced income) five times as much as countries like Iceland. This map is the very bane of my existence.
Sir Eddysan
Edited 7/26/2015 11:05:53