In an effort to provide useful feedback to Fizzer, the creator and owner of Warlight please use this thread to discuss what is a fair monthly/lifetime/other fee for Warlight.
The current price for a lifetime membership to Warlight is $30US. Warlight has a large community of international users for whom $30 is in-affordable. There are other users who can not pay because they do not have access to a credit card. There are others who just flat out do not want to pay but feel the current free version of Warlight is too restrictive.
Post here and let Fizzer know what payment options work best for you, what you think is a fair price etc. Try to keep it constructive and on topic and who knows, your idea may become reality.
What would you pay to play Warlight?: 2011-02-19 18:29:02
I suggest offering a monthly payment option to all users. The $30 lifetime membership "special" that is currently offered is a great value and I think that point would be driven home if a monthly payment was also offered. Monthly payments should be scaled and adjusted for users in other countries i.e. the Polish Zloty is currently valued at $.35 so the lifetime fee for a Polish user would be 30 Zloty.
Because the return on investment would be so low on lifetime membership fees for users in other countries maybe a lifetime fee should not be offered there. Instead only offer a monthly option to international users i.e. for Polish users 5 Zloty a month.
Offer additional forms of payment. PayPal would be a good option for users who do not have access to a credit card but do have a bank account.
The cutoff of 5 users per game max for free users has also been brought up several times preventing the popular format of 3v3 for free players. I have a feeling that the number 5 was picked for that exact reason but it might be worth revisiting if it is going to cause a mass exodus.
What would you pay to play Warlight?: 2011-02-19 18:38:14
Just noticed in another thread that Fizzer has made PayPal an option already which will be good news for some of you. Just use this link to make a PayPal payment:
$30 (~90 złoty) for lifetime membership seems a good price for me, except that I don't want to lay out that much at once; but I could pay, say, $2 (~6 złoty) per month or maybe $5/quarter easily.
Of course, provided I could pay without having credit card - I'm sixteen, so I can't get one myself, and my parents seem to be against them for no real reason :(
And yeah, free users being unable to create 3v3 games suck. A lot. Also at least give me back my old graphs :(
What would you pay to play Warlight?: 2011-02-19 19:03:29
for those of you talking about the 5 player limit, the blog chart for limitations states that you can INVITE 5 player to a game, theres also yourself, that makes 6 no?
I would try it, but as you can see, I have already paid
What would you pay to play Warlight?: 2011-02-19 19:59:27
3A6L3 -- That is true that you can only invite 5 players to game but if you're in the game, you count as an invite to the game. I think it should be more clear that you can only invite 4 other people or 5 counting yourself.
(I just tried it so I know it's set up that way)
What would you pay to play Warlight?: 2011-02-20 10:29:40
I've had many enjoyable hours playing against a lot of the players on Warlight.
I would suggest that whilst some in the USA think $30 (on todays conversion rate around £19) is an insignifcant amount it is something that I for one would have to say I would think long and hard before investing.
I'd, therefore, like to make three suggestions:
1) That the cut-off for invites by free playing members is 5 invites rather than 4 allowing, as someone else suggested, 3v3 and 2v2v2.
2) If as has been suggested this is for Fizzer to cover his costs and perhaps make a modest profit to cover all the hours he has already invested, he goes for a low cost model i.e. a lifetime membership of $10-$15 a 1 year membership of $4-$5 and a 3 month membership of a purely nominal fee of around $0.50-$1. This would achieve two things; firstly, the low lifetime membership would enable many sign-ups which should cover costs. Secondly there is a principle in internet marketing which suggests getting a very small financial commitment will lead to customer loyalty and facilitate the larger commitment. Thus you literally cover costs with the 3 month membership. This would hopefully enable those in less fortunate countrys to continue to be involved.
3) That Fizzer looks at an advertising model for those who would refer to get free membership.
Just a few thoughts from someone who has found this a really great, very addictive site and would be disappointed if I could no longer play.
What would you pay to play Warlight?: 2011-02-20 10:33:16
Soz 3) should've read: That Fizzer looks at an advertising model for those who would prefer to get free membership (but don't mind putting up with some modest advertising).
What would you pay to play Warlight?: 2011-02-20 18:01:24
I think that a small monthly fee would be preferable for everyone, including Fizzer.
First, on the long run, it will be more profitable to the owner.
On the other side, users will more easily pay $2 for a month than $30 at a time, even if they will end paying more. That must be something psychological.
Last, but not least, users get the possibility to "try" the membership for a small cost. A member could pay a few bucks once, enjoy the member privileges for 1 month, then become a regular payer if the privileges are worth it in his eyes. This also gives Fizzer a very valuable option to evaluate the satisfaction rate by analyzing the ratio of members that give up paying after 1 month.
What would you pay to play Warlight?: 2011-02-21 06:21:58
Yeah I'm glad too. It suits me personally and many others but I definitely think a monthly fee should be and will be introduced for the large amount of people who are requesting it.