reposting an old thread for further comments from the community:
the objective is to make a thread where we all can post our tips for making the svg files smaller and how not to surpass the limit size. Tips could contain:
- work arounds (ex: for images)
- what kind of objects take a lot of space
- what kind of objects take little space
TIPS (updated based on your comments):
- delete all images used for tracing or make a copy of the file without them, these images will influence the size
- save in Plain SVG and not in Inkscape SVG (although i have only seen a very small difference after doing it)
- using an optimizer in Inkscape (havent tried this myself): remove nodes and simplify as much as possible (Ctrl+L)
- if using images, try to find SVG images (Google images -> Advanced search -> File type: SVG files) instead of Trace Bitmap (Shift+Alt+B), the first are smaller in size