Everyone here is talking about risk management. good. then explain how to win this game:
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=9193671Actually no way to win after you get bad leftover + fail the 3v2. I deployed all my army there, is just bad luck. I don't think a game should be decided by luck.
Most of the game between similar skilled player are decided by luck factor.
Ladder should be able to measure skill player, not how much lucky a player can be.
If you are gonna change it I think cyclic move order is more important than 0% SR when it comes to reducing the luck in ladders
I Disagree, how many games u lose bc your stack could't reach opponent and he run for lot of turns? not so many i guess. More important is elimiante luck in picks. Too often have 1st pick is game changer. Biggest factor is, if i know my opponent probably picked faster, i will use additional time to try to find a coutenr to the strategy.
I believe, the choice between pick fast and get 1st pick, and think more (almsot 3 days as boot time) and get pick 2&3 would be well balanced.
Also, i believe, that if ladder would change to the template of medium earth coins games, lot of people would try coin games as well, as they know the template after played lot of ladder games, that may help Fizzer to get higher money. ( you are not going to play a template for real money if you don't know it, and maybe you are lazy to play it in open games). (autopromotion basically)
For those reason i believe every ladder should have 0% SR no luck cycle.
On a side note, directed to the prospect of adding 4 picks per player: I think this gives people too much coverage on the map. As I play the template more and more the limitation of only having 2 picks per player has been growing on me, and I think that the added layer of metagaming by viewing the opponent's previous games for picking habits and the psychological layer of predicting their picks from insufficient information should also be considered an aspect of skill.
I agree with what Krzychu said, basically you describe a bad template, full of rock scisser papper situation.
Best case scenario is template where you can focus only on finding optimal picks and strategy that always win, no matter what your opponents do. I'm aware there is probably not way to create settings that always work this way, but we should get something as close as possible.
i couldn't agree more, +1.
That's why i like Europe 3v3 0% SR 4x4 random warlord no luck cycle: there are no rock siccer paper situation, you know where the opponent is, and best strategy ALWAYS WIN, no random factor or lucky guess. In the actual 2v2 template, you cannot know where your opponent is, which is bad, bc since the start you have to make moves where doesn't exist the best move.
Edited 8/11/2015 11:57:48