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New Map (Name still under consideration): 2015-08-24 17:46:49

Level 63
After 6 failed attempts, I have arrived marginally close at a project I think I can see to the end.


The blank spots between territories are supposed to be mountain ranges. I have yet to draw them, as I still haven't created a satisfactory enough drawing of a mountain to fill those areas.

Questions/Comments greatly appreciated. Thanks.
New Map (Name still under consideration): 2015-08-25 02:21:27

zxctycxz [Ollie Bye] 
Level 59
My suggestion is to keep the names of bonuses and territories varied. Many fantasy maps just use one-syllable, one-word names for almost everything, contrary to how things are in real life. I know it's quite a small thing, but it would make it stand out a bit from most of the others.
New Map (Name still under consideration): 2015-08-25 21:14:34

Level 63
I was thinking about including two word names later on as well. Thanks for the suggestion.
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