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New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-04 14:58:15

Level 59
The rules with connections basically means you have to be able to tell at a glance what connects to what. Some of the conections don't quite seem logical.

The UK one for example, the Left leg does actually touch the Right leg where the body would logically need to touch.

I hope that makes sense... It would take a while to check all of them for you which I can do but only if you really need help :)

EDIT: Oh, can you edit your first post with the correct new link? I keep clicking on it by mistake.

Edited 9/4/2015 14:58:52
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-05 16:01:05

Level 57
I know how to fix the UK problem a new waterway in the west coast can confirm the connection.

And a new visible note with pictures and 2 base rules:
All bodies connect to all bodyparts of it
Bodyparts connect only if they phisically touch eachother

It would blow away all doubt about connections?

Maybe just need playing to check sign up wo want to play a multiday testgame!
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-05 18:17:44

[NI] Lord eKell
Level 56
This is a really different idea, I think you should look for a better picture of a boat for "Uncle of United Kingdom" since the current one is very simplistic and so is out of keeping with the rest of the map, and Uncle should be capitalised.

Right leg of Austria-Hungary doesn't look like it touches the body. Body of Spain probably shouldn't connect with Body of Portugal. Body of Italy doesn't look like it connects with Left Leg of Italy.

A note would help, but Body of Russia doesn't connect with Pocket of Russia, neither does body of Austria-Hungary and its Pocket.

I'd suggest linking the pockets/Rest of France as well body parts and then writing a note along the lines of 'Each body is linked to all other territories in each national bonus.'

I'd be willing to help test the map once your ready
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-05 18:53:22

Level 57
Thanks for the examples maybe these body centered structures not enough compatible with warlight standard I rather cut the separated parts from the bodies. And add new waterways where needed.

Wow I found a lot of problems and did a lot changes but still plan some others.

I have removed all unmissing links, now all non-territorized space act as separative wall, all connected territories touch eachother. Although this is a twisted map where none territories touch the others exactly because there is a black space between them what is actually the picture. This black space is passable but I made it not thicker than a gap in an ugly map, and here it is not a gap but a picture.

The second problem was that almost every territory composed from many mini-territories and not sure where is the beginning and the end of the united territories. But I cant draw as many micro-connections as many micro-territories are in the map it does not work, nor that every micro-territory would be a single territory. The names of territories are clear, these are bodyparts, this is why it is picturesque to recognize the bodyparts easily, it should just see the units.

I will make some other changes maybe add some new waterways and take a second try to publish

Edited 9/6/2015 11:17:31
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-07 20:28:59

Level 57
The Great War version 2.0 sent to public.

I did what I could. It was fun to made this map. I think it is playable by warlight standard. Lets look what happen. It will be published or not I can already play games on test mode ;D
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-07 22:00:36

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
I like the concept and your efforts, even if I would be reluctant to play it for points.

I didn't read the whole thread, but I did notice that France's pocket and France's island were not separate territories like I expected...

If Austria-Hungary needed an additional income of +1, perhaps the boot could be separated from the leg as well, perhaps with a notation and a special shading or something. :)

Edited 9/7/2015 22:02:03
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-07 23:35:07

Level 57

France got a bigger leg and Italy got a hat fringe and Austria-Hungary got a boot. This boot in an exception but I think it is better than the long leg.

Edited 9/8/2015 10:34:00
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-13 11:29:42

Level 57
The map is public. Thank you for all who helped with ideas!
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