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Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-06 17:01:33

Luna {TJC}
Level 57
Always amazing Muli
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-07 03:19:39

Level 46
Holy crap. I saw the thread a while ago, but assumed it wouldn't do what I wanted, and now I feel like an idiot for not getting it earlier. This is absolutely amazing.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-07 03:40:28

Level 46
I found a bug in it. The snow doesn't go down to the bottom of the page anymore if you click post reply on the forums.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-07 03:52:24

Level 46
As something that I feel would be a really nice option, increasing the number of forum posts on a page would be sweet, or making it have a scroll bar, or no pages at all.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-07 11:30:54

Level 60
thanks Muli

With you warlight so much nice place than it was :)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-07 12:35:01

Level 61
the ignore threads option is great! finally able to ignore pulsey's idiocy and random off-topic useless threads
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-07 12:47:23

Red Λrmy 
Level 58
Hi. I was wondering if and when Tampermonkey for Safari can make use of this. Since it was not listed as one of the required browsers I was wondering why it doesn't work. (I did still give it a go.) No need in going into too much detail just for my sake, I won't understand too much technical jargon.

I only ask because Chrome on my Macbook seems to use a lot of RAM and I don't really need another browser just for this. Still, it would be nice to have it run on Safari someday maybe. Thought it might be worth asking if it's on your current roadmap :P
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-07 15:18:29

Level 64
Thanks :)

@ΔЯŜŦΣƎŁ I'm aware of that bug, but I don't think it's worth the time of fixing it, since it does require some probably bigger changes.

@Red Army I just never tested it on a mac yet :) But I just changed a few things and released Version 1.10.1 which should actually work with Tampermonkey. Didn't test all features, but at least it starts up :)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-07 19:13:29

Level 59
Hi Muli, thanks for those excellent features !

I can't make something work : hide ladder, map of the week, ... : when I hide them, then close that window, then click close and save, they are still here. Am I missing something ?
(Win 7 / Chrome / installed the script yesterday so unless you updated it today it would be the last one)

And here are some other wishes (most of them could be Fizzer stuff tho) :

- when seeing games played with a player, have a back button to easily come back to the list of games played (try to see more than 1 game played with a player you re about to play with and you ll uderstand) ; or ideally open in a new window instead of the current one, easier and would solve the pb

- when seeing games played with a player, specify in the list whether the games were played as teammates or as opponents

- well you ve done this wish :-) which was about filter the games on the dashboard. Could you add other filters like map (ROR must be the most played, i don't think i'm the only one playing only this map), and other not common features (overridden bonuses, minimum armies per turn not standard, neutrals not standard, kill rates not standard, "weighted random" thing, extra armies per turn...)

- on the games board, have a general chat or chatterbox (like for tournaments), to "promote" your open game or just come to WL to chat with the community...

- You ve done this (in tournaments, ability to zoom on yourself (or any other player), for example via the board of wins and losses) ; however when you lose a game in a double elimination tournament, you re supposed to join a sub tournament which the winner will face the winner of the main tournament if I understand properly (playing my first ever tournament atm), and I can't find the bracket for the sub tournament, or if it is there, I can't find my name in it (your option only finds me in the main tournament). So not sure if it can be solved with your script or by Fizzer showing the sub tournament...

- in stats, add % of wins in random and in manual games

- you ve done this (comments written about a player, have them available on his page, not inside a comments page) - however could we have the option to highlight players you left a comment on (like see "B" for BL'd players, we could have a "P" for "Private note" or something ?)

- have a friend list showing who is online, with the option to hide its status (incognito)

Also out of curiosity, what are you working on ? Can we see your to do list ?? If it's confidential could you email it to me and I'll die with it promise :-). And what is the very next feature, and the date of the next update, and frequency of your updates ?

Edited 1/7/2016 19:30:46
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-08 00:24:08

Level 64
Hey Mike, thanks for your suggestions.
I'll just go through them one by one now :) (since your problem is solved)

    back button in common games
    I'm not sure this would be a big benefit. Note that you can always open a link in a new Tab with Ctrl + click or by clicking it with the mousewheel (besides from right-clicking)

    differ if played as teammates or as opponents
    This would actually be a cool feature I would also like to implement. Unfortunately I'm currently don't know if it is possible for me to access the relevant data for that.

    open games filters for map
    Map filter is something I would like to add sooner or later. Yet it is difficult to handle, since there or quite a lot of maps

    on the games board, have a general chat or chatterbox (like for tournaments), to "promote" your open game or just come to WL to chat with the community...

    tournament "losers" bracket
    When you loose in double elimination your are automatically placed in the "losers bracket" it is placed right under the normal bracket on the same page :)

    stats for random and manual games
    I'm not sure what you mean here.

    "P" for "Private note"
    This would be nice to have too, and also doable on the Dashboard. But it would need a lot of requests (which is slow/bad) or a system which needs a bit more time.

    friend list showing who is online
    This would be nice too and also doable, as long as I can limit the number of requests. So it would be possible to have a list of maybe 25 players and then there can be a table somewhere which tells you which ones where active in the last 15 minutes.

Now about my plans / what i'm doing :)
I do have a list with some ideas I have or some other people had. But it doesn't really mean anything since I don't just work though the list and rather do whatever I just want to do or what I see is actually wanted and doesn't need to much time.

The only thing I currently really planned on doing is an Import / Export function for the Settings.
I don't set dates for my features, I just work on them when I feel like it and then they get done sometimes and published. So there is also no actual frequency for the updates. In the last past days there where a couple of updates since I currently enjoy holidays at home. But in the next 1-2 months updates will be rare since I'll be focussing on my upcoming exams and afterwards I'll will be hiding in the mountains with my skies :)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-08 02:21:25

Level 59
Thanks for your reply.

Fixed indeed, and for those who could have the issue, just update to the version of today and the button "save and close" will now appear on the pop up window.

back button in common games
I'm not sure this would be a big benefit. Note that you can always open a link in a new Tab with Ctrl + click or by clicking it with the mousewheel (besides from right-clicking)
---> Tried that. Doesn't work. Try when you have the chance. (Ideally really it should open in a new window, easy to close and allowing to stay on the list of games played together).

differ if played as teammates or as opponents
This would actually be a cool feature I would also like to implement. Unfortunately I'm currently don't know if it is possible for me to access the relevant data for that.
--> Ok.

open games filters for map
Map filter is something I would like to add sooner or later. Yet it is difficult to handle, since there or quite a lot of maps
--> I was thinking just do "ROR = yes or no", and maybe a few other frequent maps (i've noticed some europe and world maps, but ROR is the main one I think). Clearly you can't implement all the maps, plus all the new ones every week, unless you have a request which automatically incorporates new ones in your filter. In that case we should be able to ctrl click the maps we only want to see. No forget that filter, I don't think it is worth the hassle and it wouldn't be used so much as people would be anxious at missing games with new maps^^.

--> However the filters with the other non standard settings (neutrals, armies, bonuses, kill rates) is more important and hopefully easier to implement.

on the games board, have a general chat or chatterbox (like for tournaments), to "promote" your open game or just come to WL to chat with the community...
--> So no ? lol

tournament "losers" bracket
When you loose in double elimination your are automatically placed in the "losers bracket" it is placed right under the normal bracket on the same page :)
--? I don't find it in my current tournament and your "find me" only worked for the main tournament if I'm not mistaking. Maybe something you want to look into some day.

stats for random and manual games
I'm not sure what you mean here.
--> Sorry I meant have precision on win % if picks were manual or random. But that's not a big issue^^

"P" for "Private note"
This would be nice to have too, and also doable on the Dashboard. But it would need a lot of requests (which is slow/bad) or a system which needs a bit more time.
--> Ok. I've just realised it could be difficult though when the player has both Notes and been BL'd (which is often the case). Would have to think of something^^

friend list showing who is online
This would be nice too and also doable, as long as I can limit the number of requests. So it would be possible to have a list of maybe 25 players and then there can be a table somewhere which tells you which ones where active in the last 15 minutes.
--> Yeah something like that. 15min or 1s for real time status. Don't know what s best.

A few more, maybe you'l find some quick and interesting to do :-) (I can carry on like that forever with new ideas lol) :

- New emails should (have the option to) go in the same thread, not create a new thread, like for text messaging, old school mobile would create new threads, now it goes all in the same thread.

- Emails should show the other person involved, not only the last poster and the creator, as half of the time is the same person so we don't remember who we were emailing in that thread. To go with previous point, you shouldn't have a subject in emails, just the name of the person you're writing to. Just like in your mobile phone.

- Private notes on the profile should be displayed above the new random bonus thing. Or on the top right corner.

- Actually the new random bonus thing shouldnt appear for non members as I understand this feature is reserved for them.

- Still on profile, the link "games played together" should be higher in the profile viewed. Maybe top left corner, or top right corner with achievements lower on the page (who cares about other players achievements?).

- Maybe the photo should take less space on the profile. At least when the photo is still empty.

Edited 1/8/2016 02:27:09
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-08 05:48:02

Gustave II 
Level 60
@ Mike tournament "losers" bracket
"When you lose in double elimination you are automatically placed in the "losers bracket" it is placed right under the normal bracket on the same page :)
--? I don't find it in my current tournament and your "find me" only worked for the main tournament if I'm not mistaking. Maybe something you want to look into some day.

It actually already works for the losers bracket. It works just like the CTRL f function you already have on your computer. you just need to click the "find me" button a couple more times.

Edited 1/8/2016 05:50:17
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-08 12:48:53

Level 61
if the tournament is ongoing, you just lost your main bracket game, and haven't been assigned a redemption game yet (waiting on opponents game to finish), your name will not be placed on that bracket yet, only when you get matched will your name be shown on the redemption bracket. clicking find me button multiple times goes through all the instances of your name on the tournament.

Edited 1/8/2016 12:49:38
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-08 13:46:25

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
You can also use the arrow keys and home/end instead of clicking "Find Me" repeatedly.

Edited 1/8/2016 13:46:42
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-08 15:19:56

Gustave II 
Level 60
So not sure if this is a bug or not but when you hide forum posts it hides not just that forum posts but the slot in which forum posts show up. so I am down to like 4 forum posts on my dash which isn't what i meant to do. Anybody know how to fix/ undo?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-08 15:36:13

Level 64
That's what it's supposed to do currently. It only hides the thread, but it doesn't load any new threads from the next site.

If you want to see all threads again you can press the Undo All Button at the Top Right of the Forum Table, for example jere: https://www.warlight.net/Forum/f1-General
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-08 16:00:05

Level 59
Yes It's all good for tournament my bad thanks.

Another wish : highlight the bookmark on your dashboard when a new post has been posted. For example change the colour of the link and make it flash.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-09 00:47:32

Level 58

-Create a link to "all forum" directly from the dashboard
-force all opponents' color to the desired color for all 1v1s
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-09 01:40:46

Level 64
Hey 125ch209

    You can actually just add a Bookmark to the "All forum", to get there from the Dashboard.
    I'm not quite sure what you mean with the 2nd one. But since the games themselves use flash, my userscript cannot interact with those parts.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-01-09 03:24:36

Red Λrmy 
Level 58
I can confirm this is working on my macbook safari browser using tampermonkey for safari. If you want to maybe add that as a compatible browser on the first post?

(BTW it doesnt work in private browsing as it can never remember your settings, if that concerns anyone).
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