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Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-14 17:01:04

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Is it also possible to sort those game after time left, in that I already commited my turn?

Would be cool if those games that will continue soon are at the top of my list. So I can see which teammate I have to nudge :D

EDIT: The symbol that shows you if it is a tournament game. If you click on that, wasnt it linking you to the tournament page once? Now it links me to the game directly. Am I wrong?

Edited 5/14/2016 17:32:42
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-14 18:52:12

Level 64
@(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! I guess I'll add new sort types over time!
Are you sure you hit the icon? :P It links me perfectly to the tournament page in Chrome / Firefox.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-14 18:59:41

Level 60
I have the same problem as let's fight. Hovering over the tourney icon takes you to the game. (Chorme)

As always, for an awesome script Muli!

Edited 5/14/2016 19:00:03
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-14 19:08:36

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
also Chrome :) Yes, definitely hit the icon.

And did you delete Highlight New Clan Forum Posts?

Edited 5/14/2016 19:10:26
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-14 19:13:59

Level 64
Ohh, got it, I see where the problem is! :)
  • Edit #1: It worked fine for me because I didn't have any games where i had to do something.
  • Edit #2: It'll be fixed in the next upate!
Yes, the "Highlight New Clan Forum Posts" got removed in version 1.12 since it never worked as well as I actually wanted it to :(

Edited 5/16/2016 14:54:36
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-18 19:39:27

Level 59
Hi Muli, have you changed something in the script recently ? Otherwise I didnt notice my games are sorted by unread chat first of all then normally according to time left. Problem is if a game has 1 day left and unread message, it will show up before another game which has 7 hours left and no unread message. Is it possible to (have an option to) change that ? I got booted as I was only looking at the time left of my top game, thinking games below would have more time left.

I wouldnt mind games with unread message on top if my turn is not due (I have committed or the game hasnt started yet), or have those at the very bottom. Time left if any should be the first criteria before unread message.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-18 20:14:22

Level 63
Edit: @Mike use the "Sort by time left (Ignore chat)" option instead of just "Sort by time left" option.

Edited 5/18/2016 21:43:08
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-18 21:00:58

Level 64
If you have the Default or the Default - Show time left sort type selected, then the games are sorted the way they have always been (by Fizzer).

If you select the sort type By time left the game with the least time left will be at the top, but chat messages are prioritzed. If you don't want chat messages to be at the top, you can select the sort type By time left - Ignore chat.

Edited 5/18/2016 21:59:27
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-18 21:53:52

Level 63
The Sort option is still out of place for me. Using Firefox up to date, Windows 10 and screen resolution of 1366 X 768.
Here's what it looks like for me:
Edit: thanks.

Edited 5/18/2016 22:57:09
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-18 22:37:02

Level 64
That should be fixed in the next update

Edited 10/12/2017 21:33:50
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-19 05:15:08

Level 58
It is that i have adds disabled cause of my membership but when i put it on again i have the same problem as Dan just posted. Only thing that is different is that i'm using Chrome instead of FireFox, so same OS and screen resolution
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-19 12:15:56

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Hey Muli,
While the Userscript is building up, there are round about maybe 5 steps until the Dashboard has finished loading completely. In every step i have an other look of the Dashboard.

1) the standard look
2) Boot time label disappear
3) Refresh Button switch from right-top corner into left-top corner
4) Refresh Button switch from left-top corner into the center-top, new Boot time lable appaers, rightcolumn adapts (just without bookmarks) & "My Games"-, "Open Games"-, "Coin Games"-Button appear
5) Bookmarks appear

(the sequence may differ depending on settings)

Just for a better look. Is it possible that the Script is loading first and only when it is finished it shows me the Dahboard. Means it looks better if you dont see all loading stages of the Userscript. (maybe this even speeds it up?)

At least if I am programming with Excel, I know that you can switch off the output as long it is loading and switch on the output when it finished loading. Do you have any idea what i meant at all? :D
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-19 17:19:15

Level 64
I know exactly what you mean :)

The problem basically comes from the new way the settings are stored / loaded.
I'll think of something to make it more smooth :)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-21 10:43:53

Level 55
Hello Muli,

where is the search player button?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-21 13:48:09

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Am I the only one? Or doesnt the Script work with Fizzers new update?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-21 15:11:02

Level 63
@(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! very few features are working with me.

Userspript isn't working fully with me. Below is what works and doesn't work with me.

    Does work:
  • Forum buttons.
  • New games for RT ladder countdown (on ladder page only).
  • Tournament pages - Tournament tables and find me work.
  • Search maps.
  • New mail filter.

    Doesn't work:
  • Anything on the dashboard such as the scrollable & tabbed games, bookmarks, custom my games sorting, hiding promoted games, open game filters, search player, managing the right column, CLOT table, refreshing the dashboard with 'r'.
  • Private notes being displayed on profile.
  • Userscript version on bottom right.
  • Finding the Userscript option on the ▼ icon.

Edited 5/21/2016 15:16:03
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-21 15:25:38

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
^ yes, your are right. Some features work.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-21 16:06:03

Level 51
Yeah same for me... well updates are bound to mess some things up.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-21 17:50:45

Level 64
Sorry for the problems, yes Fizzer changed some things I used and therefore the userscript got a bit overwhelmed.

The script just got updated to version 1.12.5, even though I couldn't completely test all the changes I made. Since currently almost nothing is working I guess it's better this way. So let me know if something doesn't work :)

Following things have changed / got updated:
  • All the features should work again
  • The Dashboard now shows a loading screen at start while the userscript gets set up
  • The Dashboard automatically displays the time left in real-time
  • And as always some other bug fixes to make everything as smooth as possible!

Edited 5/21/2016 18:50:31
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-21 18:43:25

Level 64
@Hoang If you still can't find the "Search Player" after updating your script: It's located here on the Dashboard:

Edited 5/21/2016 18:51:06
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