Yes, that is correct. Everything should be clickable, besides the boot time. The reason for this, is because the boot time delivers extra functionality when hovering it. It displays the time left, even if you have already committed in your game. Perfect for seeing when your opponent will be booted :)
@MightySpeck (a Koala) Are you sure you have the newest version installed? (1.14.27 or higher). I can click the spot without a problem in a similiar game.
@DanWL It should work with every "normal" up-to-date browser. However Firefox does no longer support windows Vista and therefor it does not receive all updates anymore. I guess that is the problem.
@wakanarai Edge seems to have some problems with the way that I store the settings you define, but interesting that it works if you import them!
The points calculation is a bit tricky, since it requires some code which only ran on the dashboard back then. So right now, every time you visit the dashboard, it calculates your total points and stores them so you can then view them on the points page. I guess it is the same problem, that the storing somehow fails, just like when you want to change the settings.
I'll look into it if I find some time for it.