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Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-03-05 12:15:59

Level 63
Cool feature!
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-03-27 21:36:33

Level 64
Sorry, nothing really new, just making sure the thread doesn't get locked up.

If you still want to read something, here's what was going on..

  • Community Levels: The formula for the calculation of the points (Most Records (Player) and Top Creators) is now visible
  • Common Games: The table is now sortable again
  • Tournaments: The name of the player who invited is now directly displayed under the player table (no more clicking needed)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-03-27 21:51:01

Level 60
Clicking the ? mark to see the formula also sorts the list from #100 - #1 (or vise versa)

N = Total number of levels created
L = Total number of likes received
A = Total number of attempts
W = Total number of wins

x = when N < 8 then 0.1 * N + 0.2 else 1 
Points = L / (N + 2) * 10 * x + A /(N + 2) * 0.5 * x + 350* (1 - W / A) * x

Ah a super simple formula :D Figured you had done something complex with it, but turns out you just added things togheter.

Edited 3/27/2018 21:54:38
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-03-27 22:09:24

Level 64
Clicking the ? mark to see the formula also sorts the list from #100 - #1 (or vise versa)

Not anymore!

Ah a super simple formula

Yeah, the formula tries to add up different aspects like likes, levels, attempts, difficulty and so on.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-04-17 12:07:16

Level 63
On the maps page, could you make it possible to filter maps by territory ranges?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-13 21:33:20

Level 64
If you can tell me what secondary sorting criteria is used, when you sort the maps by "Number of territories", then that should be quite easy to add.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 09:15:33

Level 61
the script is not working atm.

..did the wl page update and mess up the script?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 10:16:14

Level 63
I would like maps to be filtered by territories as the user specifies. Start at x, end at y. Might need to allow 'all' to be an option (or have filter by territories as a checkbox). If it's not too difficult, having the ability to show maps that have z or more or less territories would be helpful.

the script is not working atm

In what way is it not working? Which features? Which pages are affected?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 13:28:44

Level 61
seemed like the script stopped working in greasemonkey.

it works with tampermonkey.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 13:48:54

Level 63
Greasymonkey stopped working several months ago...
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 14:12:17

Level 61
strange. it did for me :D ..or i mixed something up ..anyway. everything is working.

Edited 5/15/2018 14:12:49
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 16:48:36

Level 64
I would like maps to be filtered by territories as the user specifies

Yes, but I mean the maps with the same number of territories. How are the maps sorted which have the same number of territories?

Edited 5/15/2018 16:49:01
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 17:01:26

Level 63
Oh right, by average map rating.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 17:08:32

Level 64
That doesn't seem to be correct.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 17:57:26

Level 63
Might be sorted by map name Z-A.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 18:05:35

Level 64
No :-)

Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 20:01:05

Level 63
Must be map creator's name a-z A-Z :)

Edited 5/15/2018 20:01:24
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 20:12:13

Level 60
Nope. NinjaNic's two 3.2k terr maps are not sorted after each other.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-05-15 21:39:35

Level 63
Probably sorted by when maps were last edited (not investigated which order).
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2018-06-02 09:04:07

Level 64
You'll now find a small info box on the dashboard, which reminds you that your are on vacation and when it ends.

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