There's been 17 seasons without cyclic move order, I don't see why it would ever change.
There's been 16 seasons with 16% WR then it was changed to 0% WR so :P
If you decide to withdraw from the league you should say so clearly so Frank knows not to include you next season.
I think I was clear :P
Btw, your analyzes are very good, thx and keep it on :P
if you're quitting could you do it now and surrender our game :p would really help me not relegate :D
Be optimistic, you can win that game with own power :P
What the hell, you became a clanmember? :O
There's been 17 seasons without cyclic move order, I don't see why it would ever change.
Isn't it just following 1v1 ladder settings?
0% SR is not so important for me, but the pure gambling random move order must change here too...
^^ It is so I have a feeling the Doctor is out.
Your feeling is wrong. Do you know what does Frank's name mean? I tell you: FrankDeSlimste=FrankTheSmartest
And I tell you too that Lolowut wrote this in an other topic:
I played with Frankdeslimste on the ladder and clan league, and I'm playing with him again this clan league. He has probably the worst first order luck I've ever seen.
So what is your feeling now Jeff? :P
Please, please, please :D
Jokes aside, I really do not understand why some people want the random move order so hard instead of the cyclic one... I understand why 0% WR better than 0% SR (because the risk management possibility) but why better random move order than cyclic?...