Trump is only racist if you choose to look at it that way. He is easily carrying the Hispanic vote amongst republicans, so i guess even if viewed as racist, they regard straight talking and honesty as more important values. I've not actually seen the figures of African American voters but i suspect Trump is second only to Carson. Sadly the USA as a whole is racist and it's really not going to change anytime soon. There's clearly still a strong racist element amongst white people and the staggering 96% of black people voting for Obama last time tells it's own story. Racism is alive and well in the States and there's really no point in pretending otherwise however much we would like to
btw, spell checker keeps telling me amongst is spelled wrong.. very odd
There's clearly still a strong racist element amongst white people and the staggering 96% of black people voting for Obama last time tells it's own story.
If anything, it tells that black people are racist.