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Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 11:17:43

Level 59
I have no doubt that countless people reading this will have played against Sun God in one of his or someone else's game, however, for the third time in a year to my knowledge, he has rigged a game massively towards his team (see link for most recent).


While playing this game I was told that it is bannable to rig games to gain levels.

Fizzer, Hoopoolio and other staff if you're reading this please review my evidence,
and general Warlighters, promote this thread so the staff can read it.
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 11:38:38

Level 59
There's currently another thread about him rigging games...
I'd ban him, but I don't think he actually broke any rule.
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 13:24:23

Level 56
The link you gave above uses a custom scenario. He could edit it so as to give him and his team advantages.

Don't join games with custom scenarios next time if you want a fair game.

This game is classed as practice, and no points will be awarded in practice games.

It is no fun to edit a scenario just to give oneself a guaranteed win.

Edited 9/6/2015 14:14:24
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 14:17:14

MightySpeck (a Koala) 
Level 60
the way the rules are right now Sun God isn't doing anything against the rules. everyone just needs to actually look at a template before playing.
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 14:26:43

Cata Cauda
Level 59
Ya agreed, check the settings before you join a game.
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 14:48:17

Level 59
Still going to warn them, eh.
If there's another game by Sun God, I'll enter it and warn everyone. That way they'll know what they're participating in. If he BL's me, no problem, I'd be grateful for that to not see his games.

Edited 9/6/2015 14:49:40
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 14:57:02

Level 59
its bad for business though. rigged games prey on newer players who may not completely understand the settings. a sun god game is a terrible first impression. if i was fizzer i would just outright ban him. im pretty sure he has the right to ban whoever he wants for any reason, whether they are breaking the rules or not.

if my first multiplayer game was a sun god game, i don't know if i would have bothered to keep playing warlight. there are plenty of ways to entertain myself and my internet attention span is very short.
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:01:29

Level 59
Shyb has a point. I saw a lot of level 1 people in his games. For experienced players, it's OK, they usually read the settings plus a Sun God game isn't usually enough to make someone quit WL.

While he did not break any rule and we really cannot do anything about it, it is getting tedious. Perhaps there should be a filter for custom scenario games? I'm not saying all of them are unbalanced, but it would be useful in many ways, including Sun God. Also, if regular non-diplo players (which are a majority) don't want to see custom scenarios, and they usually don't because most of them are diplos (thought there are team games sometimes), there should be an option for it.
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:10:18

Level 54
Fizzer, Hoopoolio and other staff if you're reading this please review my evidence,
and general Warlighters, promote this thread so the staff can read it.

Ehm yeah, that seems like a really convoluted way of going about it... How about you open up that game, look at the list of players (in the lower right hand corner), click on the player you want to report and in the Player Popup menu, click the "Report" button. It was, quite literally, made for this.

For completeness' sake, if you want to report a player for misbehaviour not in any particular game (such as things they do on these forums, or when they send you a mail through WL), there's also a "Report" button on every player's profile.

And yes, in this specific case, I don't see anything they did wrong; the game is perfectly fair and balanced... or at least, you say it is, by having joined the game. What do you think the message "Warning: This game uses a custom scenario for distribution. Custom scenarios can be configured to give specific players advantages. Please review the scenario to ensure it's fair before joining!" (emphasis added) on the Settings menu is for...!?
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:14:18

Level 56
It's a Custom Scenario. Why would you join without studying and seeing what type of Scenario it is?

The fault not in "Sun God"s palm but the dumb asses who decided to join a game without reading the rules.

Also, this: Any games with uneven teams are always practice games.

So why are you complaining again?

Edited 9/6/2015 15:15:23
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:15:21

Level 59
Both of you are right. Now tell that to a level 1.
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:16:22

Level 56
It's called using your eyes. If they aren't going to read the rules at level 1 then they probably shouldn't be playing warlight.

You can't babysit newbs otherwise this game would have to have several major changes to make it baby friendly.

OR the babies could use their eyes...

Edited 9/6/2015 15:17:43
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:22:00

Level 54
its bad for business though. rigged games prey on newer players who may not completely understand the settings. a sun god game is a terrible first impression. if i was fizzer i would just outright ban him. im pretty sure he has the right to ban whoever he wants for any reason, whether they are breaking the rules or not.

How do you manage to start a paragraph with "it would be bad for business" and end it with "let's ban people who don't break any rules"...!? Because seriously, if there's anything which is bad for business it's players getting randomly banned, just on the whim of the admin; most people would outright leave and the few that stay would only play, but not even think about buying memberships (since you have no way to know when you too will be banned).
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:24:19

Level 55
It is very bad for business to have someone like Sun God create a game which completely weighs the game in his favor to ASSURE he wins, especially if it is a points game. He needs to at least have this brought to his attention and censored in some way. I am in a game now with him in which I didn't realize it was going to be so weighted in favor of him alone. It is my understanding it is a points game.

Edited 9/6/2015 15:25:59
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:36:00

Level 60
Everyone knows sun god rigs his games, but then again, rigged customs scenarios are not a bannable offense. I say Fizzer should make the custom scenario setting easier to see and check the spawns. When I was a noob I had no clue how to see it, and I also thought my slot was the one that had my color, not my letter. :P
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:38:20

Level 59
yeah fizzer should be in the business of babysitting newbs, to an extent. it's not about how annoyed YOU are that newbs aren't reading the settings, it's about having a successful game that eventually turns a profit. when i play a game for the first time (really the first few times) i don't expect to have to be ultra vigilant against game rigging. if it seems like the game is full of riggers i'm not going to bother to play at all, plain and simple. it's tough to gain someone's attention (and fizzer did a very good job of gaining my attention and a little bit of my cash), so to blame it on the newbs who didn't read the settings is kind of missing the point.

all of us had a first game here, all of us were newbs at some point, and i'm guessing that very few of us took it so seriously at first to read the wiki and understand all the settings before joining a game. yeah, you have to make that investment at some point or you will have a lot of bad games, but asking someone to make that investment on their first (or second or tenth) game is a little unreasonable. how is a new player to know that this game is so awesome that it's worth reading a bunch of boring explanations about settings?

i play music, and the tips i've gotten on making demos are analogous to this situation. you must hook the listener very early or your demo will be unsuccessful. anyone's attention is a rare and valuable thing and anyone in business or entertainment or gaming knows this and respects it.
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:38:37

cjia {vaders fist} 
Level 55
When I see a diplomacy game, my first instinct is to read the rules, sadly though I don't normally look at the template since I normally hearing about players that are cheats and/or rigs their games. If I know before hand that a player is a cheat or rigs games then I warn people about that player. But the fact that so many people don't care or know about these people are the reason that they are successful in getting stronger in the first place.

If we keep people or clans informed about these players then they won't be able to thrive here, or at least in theory anyway.

(My right dominant hand is in a cast so it's hard for me to use proper grammar and free from spelling errors at this point in time. so I do apologize for that.)
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 15:45:03

Level 59
he wouldn't be "randomly banned". there is a very clear and understandable reason to ban him as i have already pointed out. if you don't agree, that's fine, i'm not trying to argue with you. i'm just posting here cause fizzer or mercer might read this and agree with the points i have made. or at least give them food for thought.
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 16:33:55

Level 54
At first i thought the title was :

Is Sun God worthy of a brain?
Is Sun God worthy of a ban?: 2015-09-06 17:17:57

[NI] Lord eKell
Level 56
As massively annoying as Sun God is, he's a proud member of my BL for being such an annoying little prick, I see no problem with that game.

Its a strange alternate reality game with a poor backstory on a map that I detest, but;

1. Nowhere does Sun God say that its supposed to be balanced.
2. The scenario is so ludicrous that one shouldn't expect it to be balanced.
3. Its practice so he isn't benefiting from rigging the game.
4. Warlight should cater to its regular users above newbies, we can't ban people for making custom scenarios just encase a randomer, who might never come back anyway, gets confused
5. Unbalanced custom scenarios with bizarre backstories can make for some of the best diplomacy templates which should keep diplo-minded level 1's coming back to Warlight.

My advice is to pay attention before joining games, just glance at the scenario and, generally, don't join team, multi-day games that have 10 players under Lvl 10. At least some of them would be booted even if it was the best game ever made.
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