"Hi Les, I've updated the generator so that now it assigns an id to each hex which is the same as the label you get with the "%n" option. Hope that helps. Cheers, I."
This means you don't have to manually enter Territory_X in each hex. *Gee mister, that's swell!*
### How to Make a Hex Grid for Warlight Maps ###
1. Open
2. Enter rows and columns. Labels and grids are optional.
3. Set grid color, like light gray (#cccccc).
4. Click the Generate button to download the SVG file.
5. In your favorite text editor, open the svg, and replace all instances of **<polygon id="** with **<polygon id="Territory_** and save.
6. In Inkscape, click the hex group and ungroup (this will prevent weird selection and resizing issues later).
7. Set document background to black (RGBA 000000ff)
8. Make a map.
Good luck.