Say words /phrases in different tongues / dialects: 2015-09-11 21:18:08 |
Level 58
"That was very funny, friend!" in Scots, is "ha. pure funay pal."
Also I wanted to do something that all the cool kids are doing for attention
Say words /phrases in different tongues / dialects: 2015-09-11 21:18:54 |
Level 58
Also I didn't use the word "tongues" because I speak Anglish, I used it because it used less letters than languages
Say words /phrases in different tongues / dialects: 2015-09-11 21:19:15 |
Lolicon love
Level 56
LETS FIGHT-I'm callin' ya out boii
Say words /phrases in different tongues / dialects: 2015-09-14 17:48:00 |
Level 57
1.I-a picat fața= face has fallen off (surprised) 2.Face din rahat bici= made a whip out of shit (do so much with so little) 3.Îi sare muștarul= mustard will jump off (lose temper) 4.A dat cu mucii-n fasole= threw his boogers in the beans (screwed up) 5.Te aburește= throw vapours at you (try to fool you) 6.Vinde gogoși= selling doughnuts (lie to you) 7.Îi pică fisa= coin drops (suddenly get it) 8.Varză= cabbage (extremely tired/chaotic/a complete mess) 9.Frecție la picior de lemn= a rub on a wooden leg (useless) 10.Scoți din pepeni= take out of his watermelons (drive someone nuts)
Say words /phrases in different tongues / dialects: 2015-09-14 18:11:43 |
An abandoned account
Level 56