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Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 00:20:50

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
MSF, or Militaires Sans Frontières, is a clan. a clan unlike any other. Its creator, fed up with the crap he called "super-serious clans" that declare war on each other over an online ripoff of Risk, gave birth (through 15 USD) to one of the most impressive troll clans in Warlight history in November of 2013. The clans purpose: to invite you into "a world to keep you quivering and moist." To have fun and not care about other clans and their trivial quarrels, and to never become like them.

Roughly half a year ago, I, myself, have joined MSF in the early/middle days of what seemed to be a golden age for the clan. My nickname was the "Multiday Inquisitor." The leader of the clan, Bane, was a man of many colors. He could be as big a troll as any when responding to a comment or question one minute, and then be dead serious on a certain topic the next (never joining Clan League, for instance). But apparently he was a good leader, because our numbers began to soar, reaching 97 members, probably more. MSF kept climbing the list of all the clans on Warlight. The one time I remember checking, the clan was visible on the screen without having to scroll down, sitting at 15 from the top.

MSF has some legends, in my book, at least.
There was "Big Boss" Bane, for starters. You remember him. He was a regular in the forum, it seemed.
And let's not forget "Kaz" King Clitoris IV, who apparently won the battle with Fizzer over his name (although that doesn't seem hard to do).
MSF is home to two players with levels over 60: CandyCaned, with a level of 62, and the infamous Aggressive#s, level 61, whose stats in 1v1 and 2v2 are above 50%.
There are the two [PHD]'s who called MSF home: Jialak, and SingH, Who placed in the top three on the 3rd and 4th BOOSTING tournaments.
The in-clan legend Traviter, placed in the top three in every BOOSTING tournament MSF had.
Kain also belonged to MSF. If you can recall, Kain was the one behind the idea to fix the "Past Games" section.
Awesomely Bitchtastic Beta 2.o, as Ox pointed out, created "So the Question is..." in the OT Forum.
I also belonged to MSF, although I am not really noteworthy.

Bane made maps. Four of them are linked below:


https://www.warlight.net/Play?PreviewMap=41704 (Map of the Week 12 Nominee)


MSF was an active clan during my time. We began playing regular team games with Poonsquad. MSF had the lead in wins, if memory serves me. There were several tournaments. I placed second in only one, because I was able to figure out the best starting point the quickest, I suppose. The top three winners were to have bonus territories named after them as the prize. There was also a huge Kate Upton diplo game with seats that can be obtained only by RSVP. Neither happened.

On May 31, 2015, Bane disappeared from Warlight, along with several others. Aggressive#s and ShotPheonix4 haven't been seen in around that time, either. Were they alts? They were big-numbered alts, if they were. Nobody knows what happened to them. With them also left nearly all activity in the clan. Just as quickly as MSF started to truly live, it died. After waiting to no avail for their leader to come back, many active members of MSF dispersed and fled the coop. Some of us were taken in under Poonsquad's wing, like [PHD]Singh (no longer in any clan), Stephen Spencer, Jesse906, and I. Kain joined [M4K] M-M-M-MONSTERKILL. The amount of members dropped from near 100, down to 70, and from 15 from the top of the clan list to 26. Some may be saying that 70 is a good number, and that 26 is a good spot, but I have heard from Uber Führer IV that only 11 out of the 70 members are active. MSF is now just a shell of its former self, and the way things are looking, that shell will never be called home like during its golden age again.

I type this thread to share some clan lore with the Warlight community. My account of MSF is not the best, for I completely forgot about Warlight until one year ago, but it's something. I hope that one day, I will be able to create a new thread titled "Resurrection of MSF." But until that day, this is my memory of the great rise and final fall of Militaires Sans Frontières.

Edited 9/13/2015 00:54:32
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 00:34:21

Level 58
This was very interesting, Martian! I always wondered about that strange clan, above all others. (Well, that was a lie. Paper Tigers intrigue me more, but MSF is a close second!)
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 00:46:27

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
I wanted people to know what went down.
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 00:47:00

[FCC]Guardian Timewizz65
Level 56
A sad day it was when MSF died
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 00:49:27

Level 58
Don't forget the infamous "So the question is?" thread creator is currently in MSF
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 00:49:52

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Indeed, old pal. Indeed.
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 00:52:12

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Don't forget the infamous "So the question is?" thread creator is currently in MSF

Ah, yes. Good ol' "Not level 60." Awesomely bitchtastic beta 2.o. I'm editing him into the legends section.

Edited 9/13/2015 00:53:00
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 01:33:03

Level 59
If you had Big Boss and Kaz, who was Revolver Ocelot?
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 01:34:46

Level 55
Interesting. More people should do this and share some lore about their communities
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 01:52:37

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
If you had Big Boss and Kaz, who was Revolver Ocelot?

Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 02:20:55

Level 56
So is does MWB not have a manager?
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 02:25:15

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
I do not know. All I know is Bane paid for the clan, and hasn't been seen in over 100 days.
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 04:21:49

Dr. Stupid 
Level 60
Does anyone actually know who founded The Paper Tigers clan?

And I didn't have too many thoughts about the MSF clan, but I do know that Bain was generally rude to people who were not antagonistic to him. He was a decent mapmaker. Some of his maps were rubbish, others were good. But really, from an outside the clan perspective, my impression was rudeness for no reason at all. Actually I do recall being a part of a diplo on his Upton map with Bain and KCIV where they broke all the rules on the second turn and then I just surrendered because it just seemed like the only point of the game was to troll everyone else. No matter. Not too upset he's gone though.
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 04:27:42

Level 62
MSF was a great clan and holds one of the greatest mysteries of all time. What happened to Bane? It's up there with Amelia Earhart and the lost colony of Roanoke in my opinion. Long live MSF.
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 04:37:26

Level 60

At least The Paper Tigers clan existed at one point. ^ That clan is one I had never heard of before. And it was the 4th founded one.

Oh, and to "stay" On topic. Long Live MSF. And Bane, were are you?????

Edited 9/13/2015 04:39:22
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 11:59:56

Level 57
yeah, it was quite a fun to be in MSF and certainly Bane was intriguing person. Unfortunatelly one day he just dissapeared and hasn not showed up ever since.

Edited 9/13/2015 12:00:27
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 20:56:17

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Unfortunatelly one day he just dissapeared and hasn not showed up ever since.

He's either dead, or he's trolling his own clan. That's my theory.
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 21:15:32

Level 57
either way MSF is down
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-13 22:10:00

Level 54
If i ever disappeared, it's because i got too dank and the forums weren't rare anymore.
Golden Age and Death of MSF: 2015-09-14 02:13:14

MightySpeck (a Koala) 
Level 60
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