What's up with bringing up Japan? You have to be very misguided to say those bombs were uncalled for.
Why is it that the fundamentals and fascists (not using this word as insult; politic stance) always begin their arguments with some kind of an insult and use them as supports further on? Just makes bad their name and politic stance/party. That, and so many rightists are dumb (truth not insult) since rightists typically come from the poorer areas with poorer schools.
1. All's fair in love and war.
2. Unit 731
3. Would have been one, but they were too stubborn.
5. Did the Japanese really respect U.S. prisoners?
6. They attacked FIRST.
7. They had plans of gassing the West Coast like the Germans did Ypres.
1. This negates all your other points if it's true. It's not, very often, love and war are very unfair.
2-7. Yes, these are warcrimes done by the Japanese empire. It was terrible, but you're too busy focusing on mostly the American side of things, which was considerably lighter than in China. So? A warcrime does not negate a warcrime. Haven't you heard some of Gandhi's quotes? This has been transcultural concept since millenia ago.
What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man.-Talmud
Do not unto others what you would not have them do unto you-Analects
That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself-Dadistan-i-dinik