1 min boot is good on some maps, sometimes when it's a simple game I start getting bored if people haven't done their turns after 30 seconds... But on Kongregate we only get the option of 3min auto boot, so you got used to playing fast.
1 min boot is not good due to technical limitations of this game. Otherwise I think it is ok. I lost nearly 40 seconds in my case. I don't want people to get booted unexpectedly because of such issues.
And as far as my experience goes, people won't just drag along if the map is really simple enough. They will still play fast. They won't all suddenly make moves every 3 mins just because you give 3 mins instead of 1.
And in the end, does it really matter? Wins and stats don't really count for much, at least not that I can tell. Playing a real game with the player would soon show you his real skill level anyway.
I agree. Fun is the most important. Wins, points, levels are not. But not all people think like you and me. That's why we keep seeing those games and cheaters again and again.
I saw rigged games again yesterday. The host set up fake lottery games with custom scenarios to lure careless people into joining:
It is sad these games are ranked too. That means they have the incentive to set up these shoddy games again and again.