Level 59
If you can answer those It would be appreciated by some of us! Many opinions summed up here! =====================================================================
1) How do you feel about dummy attacks? (Those 1-attacks that delay the real stack) They have high strategic value, especially in 1v1 game, but they somewhat distort the image of pure-strategy. What are your thoughts, and could something be done? What about limiting players attacks or/and transfers per turn. Or making it customizable: Limit to certain ratio turns/passed, you can gather attack-transfers like cards, or they tend to grow to certain number regarding turns/passed - otherwise in later it would still come down to dummys. Because sometimes I feel even games with priority-delay cards are ruined with dummies. In my eyes it would paint more straight-forward and more demanding strategic thinking, especially regarding 1v1 where a lot gets decided in dummy attacks on early stages. + New interesting feature to slow down the phase of game and create new strategic mode.
2) What do you think of updating Open-Game window, regarding search-filter-option? For example adding new Functions on top like Toggle Show/hide for: Diplomacy, Lottery, Scenario, LD games, Multi attack, Practice, FFA, multi-teams, set max boot rate prerecuisite games etc. And it would be memorized always. Mostly regarding the All-Diplo or Never-Diplo players, it is even rather dull to skim the long list of multi-day games knwowing that one won´t play 90% of them. And the Filters would help players find what they look for faster. Therefore games could be held open longer as the list grows shorter and easier to look through: regarding multi-day games. Often If you wish to find/and play with new players: I need constantly to update the game as high prerecusites get slower filled. To be honest past months I have met new people through other whom I already know, but I kind feel multi-day open games could be longer held active. I understand we wont get full cuztomizable Dash-bord. But Open-games could be the best place to offer this.
3) Voting for ideas you proposed? To prioritize! Your time and resources are limited. You agree with a lot of good ideas - as the previous streams and posts have proven. But on the same time a lot bad ideas get upvoted as well on uservoice. Somewhat for most players, as for me it seems waste of time and resources. What do you think of an idea where Uservoice would be like medium: as players can write ideas up (vote each other) and you to pick them up, choose. Why not ask from community, giving us a list of things you agree to do (like), ask us to vote for your picked ideas. So each vote would count in real matter and you would see our priorities or true opinions, or get our reflection back through the results that are much more realistic, rather distorted Uservoice. As dead accounts won´t post, and we have confirmation for what we vote you would actually do or highly regard. Not supporting idea of Uservoice 4-years old not-knowing that you will not even discuss it? If community could get feedback what you agree on then the voting would reflect the true state of preferrable updates. Add vote to dashboard like Map - and I believe most players will then share is opinion.
4) Template Folders! Having seperate folders for Templates. And option to save other-player created templates. Its hard to scroll the small window. And hard to find the right template if the list is long + to remember them just by name without reading the description. Should not be hard?
5) Updated Friend-Blacklist: in form of groups, filters! What do you think of an idea of Filter like lists. You click player and choose where to what list put him. Each list/group can be named, tagged and filtered: dont allow joining my games, dont allow messages, hide his games... and groups, when making games it would be easier to send invites to full groups. For example the group could be bigger than possible open-seats so fastest players could join only, but all would get invite. And definately a function to deny player X adding me to any group or tournament. And other possible functions.
6) Gameplay: Higlighted Wastelands and Notes inside game or tag territories! Just to save the clicks and maybe help those lazy persons who dare not to even look. I know it is an advantage for players who do check over the lazy, but as I hope a decent player will not bet for this strategy. Secondly adding notes - to game or to territories. For example long-games, it is good to to add notes for oneself. Like why and what I did past turn, and why I did not do the other - just for player to understand his move either on next turn or for future when he looks the past-games and figures out why he lost/won? Tagging territories for example if picks crossed so next turn I do not need to check back and know where he is. I do not regard it strategic that I do take my time and/if my opponent does not to check first turn, so rather make some players life easier and games more competitive, by option to highligh territories, tagging with specific patter-color-outercolor and adding notes. And maybe even in team game make all-team dynamic note-list and tagging territories.
7) Vizual-side: Maybe to promote Membership! Adding some new colors, or but what do you think of stripes, dots, verticals, patterns on foreground of color etc. Or some simplistic signs. I think it would be appealing to some peoples. also the same could be applied as previous - highlight, tag territories to distinquish them from colors.
8) Alt-issue? Allow 1-account, but maybe 3-alias! What do you think of an idea allowing everyone to own only 1-Account. But inside account one could have maybe up to 3-aliases, which are hidden from other players, known to you, would act just like any other profile. Why? So we could play ladders, coins, use forum with different names-profiles, which would be hidden to other players. I think you agree, as for some top players, it is much better to play under name in some cases no one knows, to hide our strategy, moves and previous actions. No rule would be broken if the system works as aliases, and allows you to use one account on each Game function: just open-games would be open except FFA-s or multi-teaming. At moment everyone can have accounts as much as they want and therefore the issues begin: forum-spam, multi-accounting etc. If you could make it a rule, then it would be much easier to caught multi-account players and track activity of aliases, by building in capability of allowing the enter from each profile into ladder with 1-alias. Andy every account created from similar sources woud raise suspicion at start.
9) Maps! What about having link on profile who created the map and under map page search by creator.
10) Membership! I have heard it many times that membership is not appealing enough. Even you get used with the ads over a month or so. I hope you can keep the line clear and not add any in-game benefits, but maybe increase the extra functions for members only - why not even some of the above mentioned? The bottom line is that membership is undervalued at this price level, it should offer more, be more dinstiquishable.