FORMaster Bjarke: So in sum; I think it would be sweet with 0% SR
Ps: if it was up to me i'd have everything 0% SR.
Gnuffone: For those reason i believe every ladder should have 0% SR no luck cycle.
Mister Aqua: please make it 0% SR
Master Ryiro: i like the idea of using 0-16 luck straight round in ladders
Idibob: Take that luck out and it will become truly competitive
Windows 10: However, I would still prefer 0% SR.
AGAINSTMaster of desaster: Me personally, i like the 1vs1 ladder as it is.
Anna: i personally would prefer the 1v1 ladder stay as it is.
Benjamin628: I think the 1v1 ladder should stay 0% WR.
Hades: Yeah I think keep the 1v1 ladder as is
AWESOMEGUY: However, I prefer the 1v1 ladder to stay as it is.
USA biches: I prefer the 0% WR for the 1v1 ladder.
Almosttricky: As far as the 16% luck, I am leaning to keeping it, but I don't have a strong opinion.
Hedja: Please keep strategic 1v1 as it is.
Beren Erchamion: The 1v1 ladder is perfect as it is.
Perrin3088: I felt the original strat 1v1 settings put the variables of war quite nicely into a strategic simulation.
Knyte: I like the 1v1 Ladder the way it is
Widzisz: I like WR more I think
Tenshi: Also 0% WR should be a better choice of luck here imo.
Peixoto: 1v1 Ladder - Keep the settings, but change the map to Modified Medium Earth.
Dead piggy: Luck makes the games rich and complex.
Master of the Dead :"""Luck makes the games rich and complex. Its not fair, and that doesnt matter, 1v1 ladder is about beauty not who is #1. Dont sacrifice the most regal and storied ladder on the altar of equality.""" - dead piggy
"""Me personally, i like the 1vs1 ladder as it is. Risk management should stay a part of a ladder imo. """ - MoD
+1 to both.
Verzehrer: 0% wr is totally good.
Master Atom: I like ladder the way it is,
Smileyleg: Count me in support for no changes to the 1v1 ladder.
Des: And that, with making it 0% luck is gonna make it not fun.
Veelvraat: I'm another one of those in favour of keeping the current 1v1 ladder.
Good Kid: 0% straight round makes things like this happen: makes picking way less interesting.
FlyingDutchMan: As for me, i prefer 0 luck wr for the 1vs1 ladder.
Master Turtle: 0% WR for 1v1 ladder!!!! Keep it the same!
Pushover: Please don't change the 1v1 template.
Inquisitor: I prefer cyclic move order while keeping weighted random (WR).
Dr. Walter Ego: I write about only change the move order settings from Random to Cyclic! 0% WR and random pick order would be remained.
7 to 27 against SR by my count. I only took into account those who specifically stated their position, so I'm not included on here, even though I'm against SR.
Edited 9/26/2015 22:15:40