i'm playing the Crazy-Challenge the last days (want to earn the 22-turns-Star) but since one or two days the list for the move-order is missing. Usualy there is something like "Next turn you'll get 3rd order" and a blue "?" with to order-list, but i can't find it now...
Is it possible i clicked something wrong (so it disappears)? Or is it a bug?
I know it's cyclic - but there is still no move-order showing. At least at the 2nd turn there should be a list visible but it isn't... (And i'm sure it was a few days ago...)
"This highlights another difference between this new [NLC] move order and the standard cyclic move order: the cycle is known by all players. In cyclic move order, it's up to players to figure out the cycle on their own, but in no-luck cycle, WarLight reveals to all players who will be moving when."
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