Welcome to the WarGamingLive 3.10 #5
We lost count of the original WGL series. Now that Warlight is in version 3.10 (with better livestream tournament creation support) it's the perfect opportunity to rekindle our bad habit of livestreaming live tournaments during the weekends!
For those of you who are new to WGL, this is a weekly event hosted and livestreamed by experienced warlight players. It usually consists of two LIVE realtime tournaments, which will be broadcasted with in-depth analysis and commentary by some of the top Warlight players. The broadcast (stream) is hosted on twitch.tv
We try to play different settings every week.
You can find earlier WGL streams at:
http://twitch.tv/wargaminglive http://twitch.tv/psenoughI'm willing to host on Saturday, i am hoping someone from the rest of the WGL crew will show up to help commentate the games.
This week 1v1 you can vote for the template you prefer we use:
option 1) Gnuffone's Season III
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=9551055 option 2) British Raj
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=9296587 option 3) Battle Islands V Multiattack
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=9489216 you can vote here:
http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=560bd6c8e4b056a1eaa1fadeNot sure if there will be a livestream on Sunday or not.
Times & Dates:
(1v1) - October 3rd, 2015 - 12:00 US/Central // 18:00 GMT // 19:00 Continental Europe (GMT+1)
http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20151003T18&p0=133&msg=WGL+3.10+%235&font=cursive&swk=1 https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=15778(2v2 or 3v3) - October 4th, 2015 - 12:00 US/Central // 18:00 GMT // 19:00 Continental Europe (GMT+1)
Everyone is welcome to join. We encourage all - experienced players and newbies alike.
Tournament will be created 1 hour before the event.
Active hosts and commentators: ps, Latnox, Lolowut, Pushover, Szeweningen, Gnuffone, master of desaster, Master of the Dead, Beren Erchamion.
Past hosts and commentators: Mythonian, Fizzer, Dunga, x, Reza, Robespierre, Trollusa, Mian, kcscrag, Gui, Dom365, Fridge and many more! (may or may not include TheWarlightMaster)
Pet potato: Hedja
- WarGamingLive crew
Edited 10/3/2015 16:31:25