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That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 17:05:24

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
zibik :s
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 18:02:15

Pilota stradale (Inactive account)
Level 17
Wowbagger, have you actually faced any women in here? If so, would you mind posting game links?
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 18:17:34

Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged
Level 38
No, I said that without actually having played any women.


Those are the four that I recall. There may well be others.

Edited 9/11/2013 18:17:53
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 18:44:33

Pilota stradale (Inactive account)
Level 17
The "four castles" map doesn't seem to suit Julie. The second game ended with a boot so I won't count it. Your opponent in the third game seems to be a very interesting personality so I guess I have to give her a chance myself. And in the last game I am totally unsure who the woman is. (You most probably fell on a fake woman that time.)
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 18:59:59

Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged
Level 38
Don't particularly care what you count.

Fact is I wasn't challenged in game 2 and had a clear advantage in both income and armies (28-16 and 92-64) while having plenty of room for expansion while she was done expanding.

As for the 4th game, if you can't tell that a person with a username and email starting with Jess is a woman then I don't know what to say.

As for Julie, looking at her stats and her style of play, I am not sure any map would suit her.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 20:47:59

Pilota stradale (Inactive account)
Level 17
Well, some people want to appear as women, but that Jess doesn't seem to be playing as I would expect from a woman. "Her" strategy reminds me of the 4-4-2 in line, with offensive wingers... That's all about my doubts on the 4th game.

As for the second game, I have a question... Since you were not challenged, why did you boot her? Were you afraid that she would turn the tables?

Finally, WL stats are too poor to tell enough stuff for a player of Julie's style. You do not like her style, but I easily prefer it to yours, for instance. Let alone that I don't think you can do so well against me as she can. And maybe that's why I prefer her style to yours... No offence though, your style isn't THAT bad. I 've seen really tragic ones, honestly.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 20:56:56

Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged
Level 38
I didn't boot her. Warlight did. It's called autoboot.

You are correct in saying that statistics often don't mean much as they can easily be manipulated and I don't pretend to be able to completely guage a player based on just one game. However, given the lack of imagination displayed, poor use of blockade, unwillingness to surrender in the face of certain defeat and high boot rate I would say the statistics are quite valid and informative.

If you can completely guage my style from four games then you are clearly an expert. It's a wonder that you aren't already at level 50.

Edited 9/11/2013 21:00:01
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 21:25:56

Pilota stradale (Inactive account)
Level 17
Hahaha, I am far worse as a player myself than as a player judge. Hard to believe, but that's just the way it is. My presence here has nothing to do with ear-cuddling. You have seen this by now, haven't you?
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 21:28:09

NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 
Level 59
Featherbucket is one for me. My record against him is 9-21. I always dread playing him because I feel like I never win.

Druej is the worst. I have won 5 games against him and only 3 of those were 1v1's. He has beat me a total of 26 times. I will say one of the games I beat him I actually cheered afterwards.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 21:46:23

Level 54
From all this sum of exceptional players though I still think the girls are the best. They seem to beat me more easily. After all, they are supposed to be smarter than us (guys), right?

Actually, women and men both have the same intellectual capabilities. Some fail to realize these capabilities or don't believe they can develop skills. There was a thread that had a link to some university study on the topic.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-12 12:13:01

Pilota stradale (Inactive account)
Level 17
And which country is that university in, can you please tell us? It matters more than you may think.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-13 08:21:06

Level 43
My angstgegner (that is the correct word - yes?) would have been the now retired Szweningen
That One Player >:): 2013-09-15 14:50:07

Level 59
phrryhus is now that one player for me :/
along with mannerheim :/
That One Player >:): 2013-09-15 15:59:07

Level 59
It's Pyrrhus
My worst are Dom and Pulsey
That One Player >:): 2013-09-15 16:29:10

Level 43
every unpredictible noob with luck :LD
That One Player >:): 2013-09-16 08:30:50

Level 57
yeah Pulsey,
my record against him inc alt accounts is 7-1
That One Player >:): 2013-09-16 20:27:12

Mike |GG| 
Level 61
1vs1 is 4-14
There are some players you can't feel at all...
That One Player >:): 2013-09-16 22:47:40

Level 59
damn, why is it not 14-3^ :/
That One Player >:): 2013-09-17 03:49:59

Level 60
Based on the fact that I am 3-7 against Noobschool and 2-8 against MilitaryManiac I am just going to go with "Anyone from AHoL".
That One Player >:): 2013-09-19 11:12:50

Math Wolf 
Level 64
The Impaller (1-6)
zibik (2-9)
Heyheuhei (4-10)

Against quite some others I am 1-3, 0-2, 0-1, ... but that is a small sample size.
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