^Well a board you say, after this problems coming up you probably will miss my previous puzzle :)
Warning: Somewhat hard puzzles, for your weekend chess.
You are playing as Black. What is your best move? (The solution needs to explain why you can play that move.)
FEN: r4N2/1p3k2/3p3p/p3p1pq/1PP1P1nP/3P1pP1/3Q1PR1/1R5K b - - 2 30

Endgame study! White's turn to move. You are encouraged to share your variations for this one.
FEN: 8/8/5PK1/r6P/6P1/8/2k5/8 b - - 5 60

NOTE: Both puzzles are from online (Multiday) games, so it is only fair that you use a board to move pieces on.
Edited 10/3/2015 20:09:40