Played them all, was fun, but all were too easy.
Had to restart on the third level after the first turn when all the neighbouring AI's deployed their full armies and invaded Finland. On the reload only 1 neighbour attacked and from there it was a straight forward win.
To make games more challenging mid to late game, and less luck based short game, I suggest you make more AI's be team mates.
I have a single player scenario I made that I like to play, anyone is welcome to try it out. is local deployment, with 5 teams and random starts. 1 team is you, and the other 4 are AI teams each with 4 AI's. My win rate is about 2/3's of the time, though sometimes you will get a start that is absolutely impossible, and sometimes one of the teams will snowball so far out of control early game that there is nothing you can do.
Local deployment helps make the AI smarter in my opinion as the AI can't deploy his entire deployment in one place and leave all his income generating lands empty.