Inspired by ChristophU In a Hole (Single Player Challenge Series) I decided to create my own single player challenges
I also used idea, that Szeweningen once gave to create short games that require you to make certain move in order to win the game. Here's what I've done:
#1 Flanking order to win, you should recognize critical territory and conquer it.
#2 Blockades/Abandon and strategic territories: to recognize with territory should be clocked/abandoned is very important skill. Also to break your opponent bonuses, you need to recognize chokeholes and strategic territories.
#3Breaking blockades and wastelands not always is impassable. In some cases it is crucial to break it
#4 team game you don't need to have high income to help your team to win. All you need to do here, is stop your opponents from expanding
Tell me what you think and if you want more
Edited 10/5/2015 06:23:19