1) I can make that
2) lel, nobody is gonna join that
3) No, people will just get booted, and you do not want AI's to play.
I would need 32 TRUSTED people
I don't see that happening
Furthermore, with chess only one side has a move during a turn, not both sides.
How about something different yet similar instead:
2 teams, no chess-rules, instead make a map with different connections between territories,
all players can move the same way(s)
no base-income, each player gets a bonus-income of 1, plus reinforcement card of 1(every turn as long as the whole team is active)
abandon-card for x5 or x10 to stall certain attacks.
The goal is reaching the other side of the map and attack/conquer the bonuses of the other team
I just don't see 16 players playing one side of a chess-game where they all participate in making SINGLE(for the team) moves(every turn, up to 15 players per team would do nothing)