I hope it is not!
Otherwise its programmer could truely be called a retard. Look at this ... "GAME":
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=9600139After my yellow GREEK teammate just left the game without notice his AI took over. Now lets take a closer look at the AI s moves:
Turn 3: the AI begins to take Armenia. Ok .. just 2 territories for the yellow AI to complete Cappadokia or Italia Superior.
Turn 9: The AI treats me as enemy and attacks me in Gaetara (thats in Partha), even though i took that territory before the AI and thus keeps me from taking Partha bonus, btw.
Not to talk about the fact that the AI does not do the slightest thing to defend a bonus. Also see turn 9, 10, 11 and so on the AI letting gray run over it.
Now my question: who programmed this sh*t? I mean: is it really so difficult to program an AI to complete a bonus instead of beginning totally new ones that take forever to get? I dare to say: NO! Is it really so difficult to tell an AI NOT to treat teammates as enemies? I dare to say: NO! Is it really so hard to tell an AI that if an opponent is adjacent to one of its bonuses to put troops there to defend? I dare to say: NO!
The AI hasnt improved a bit since years, so my final question: Is the AI just an instrument for psychological studies to test the patience of players?
Edited 10/8/2015 00:11:50