" If you can't make certain predictions in a simple game that involves only 3 starting spots and rather limited variables, what makes you so sure you can predict the feelings, emotions, and goals of complicated individuals when there are a myriad of variables in play? "
i like this "description"... mind likes to cover its will just to confuse others of its wanting.... once you realize all action of mind (feelings...)/mankind is developing within quite simple rules.... :-P ... but yes with myriad of outcome possibilities... ;-)
I don't know Gui other than his posts about alts that aren't his. I can only assume now that he is swimming through a sea of warlight coins with 50 hot and sexy women a la Scrooge McDuck. He is living the dream.
The "who got laid with the hottest girl" cup 2015/16 has officially started!
Rules: - post a picture of the girl - bring any evidence that proves that you got laid with her - naked pics are worth x1.3 - V.M.18 videos are worth x1.75 - threesomes are worth x2.0
The salt is strong in this thread. From what I understand, Da Vici thinks he's base god, but in fact is more like a really shitty version of nyan cat. Cool for about one second and then gone!
Yo, sit your ravioli down. Don't introduce me to your mother by any name, because I love the number on number action in this game. I'm not very serious about shit, so don't take this dick to hard aight? Wheres my rum....why is my rum gone...
That's all I have to say, you can leave now. RAWWWWRRRRR!
bribing is a pretty bad thing on a competitive game and you cannot defend yourself by saying that i still can win that game dosen't matter if you're winning or not,bribing someone on the ladder whether your rating is 200 or 2000 or whatever the fuck no one cares since you are stalling other games anyways should be worth a ban
Why do people keep insinuating that I buy sex with my WL coins? I want to make it clear that I do not condone prostitution. I will never use my WL coins to pay for fucks, no matter how many you offer!
I read the bottom drilling and mouth shitting line about ten times before I understood what the Indian was trying to say. Using coins as a drill and drilling upwards into the bottom threw me off. When I added an Indian accent, it finally made some sense. I recommend that others try it.