Opinions on Fizzer?
http://strawpoll.me/5851494Which is your favorite non-English foreign clan?
http://strawpoll.me/5851546Most dramatic clan?
http://strawpoll.me/5851567Which clan has the most uniting theme?
http://strawpoll.me/5851591Which clan will win Clan League 7?
http://strawpoll.me/5851614Prediction: Which clan will win Clan League 8?
http://strawpoll.me/5851627Which of the following rp clans has the highest likelihood of making a debut in Clan League 8?
http://strawpoll.me/5851770What is your favorite series of threads on the forums?
http://strawpoll.me/5851680What is your favorite type of warlight game?
http://strawpoll.me/5852043Do diplomacy games require skill?
http://strawpoll.me/5851740Who is the funniest personality on the forums?
http://strawpoll.me/5851799Favorite forum troll?
http://strawpoll.me/5851852Best map for strategic 1v1?
http://strawpoll.me/5851867Favorite sport?
http://strawpoll.me/5851892Favorite TV-series?
http://strawpoll.me/5851955Have at it boys and girls ;)
Edited 10/27/2015 22:16:41