Pooncrew knew because he submitted the lineup. I invited him to the chat game.
And yes, page 1 of that thread states Poons had issues.
The point is that when I make out the lineup for WG, I ask people to rate all the templates so I know what they want to play. Then I fill out the lineup, post it in our WG chat game so everyone knows what they are playing. Then I tell them in said chat to expect an invite to tournaments shortly.
If you did all these things (or Poonsquad in this case since he/she submitted the lineup), then people would know to join without you having to hold their hands.
I also spelled all this out here:
https://www.warlight.net/Forum/93697-clan-league-7-preperation-thread (see my 2nd post in there)
Additional comments page 5:
"To clarify, we (usually me) create ALL the tournaments (11 round robins for each division) and invite whoever is provided to me in the given clan lineups. All the clan leader needs to do is make SURE their clan players know an invite will be coming...and that they need to join (and join their clan mate if team format). Nobody will be making games manually (unless someone gets booted off the bat and everyone agrees to a makeup game...we have done that at times), so there isn't any overhead for clan leaders/players. They just need to play and have fun."
I also made a chat game with all the team leaders before making tournaments reminding them it would come soon and to ask for any questions. So, my point is that this is a failure to organize on the clan end, not mine. I spent hours and hours coordinating this, I cannot be held accountable if you lead the horse to water and it does not drink.
Edited 10/29/2015 20:41:23