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Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 19:35:08

[NL] Lucas
Level 62
Hi, I am working on a new giantic map of Europe. So far I finished France, Spain, Portugal and Italy. I would like to get some thoughts about the look and the bonusses. The map will probably get about 3.000 territories, the maximum allowed.

I also was wondering whether or not include The caucasus and Turkey. I think I will see how much space I have left, and then decide whether it adds enough to the map. I won't include Africa, I will include Iceland.

Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 19:49:52

Level 61
Looks great :) Make it 3067 territories! Also don't include caucasus and turkey (my opinion)
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 19:51:21

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Great map! I would like to have Caucasus and Turkey. More of Russia, please. ;)

Edited 11/7/2015 19:52:08
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 19:57:26

[NL] Lucas
Level 62
I will include more of Russia than the map shows right now. The map I am using just does not include much of Russia and also just half of Turkey
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 20:33:32

Level 59
This will be an amazing map.

Though you do plan on including the British Isles, don't you? ^^
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 20:56:20

Level 58
how will this map be different from Europe big or that other huge europe map? I know its not nearly done yet since you intend on hitting the maximum number of spots for this. Just needed to ask.
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 21:10:20

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Spain is overvalued (71) compared to Italy (35). No way is Spain just 2 less than France. Spain should be near or around 60 armies per turn and Italy should be around 50-55 armies per turn.
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 21:40:44

[NL] Lucas
Level 62
The megabonus is determined by the number of territories of the country. Spain does have 284 territories, France has 293 and Italy only 140. The territories in Italy are a little bigger than in Spain and Italy is a little smaller. (Italy 300.000 km² and Spain 500.000 km²). France is 550 thousend square kilometers. So it does not show the right value when looking at population, but I look at the territories and in this case Spain is worth 71.
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 21:41:14

[NL] Hendrik
Level 58
Spain = 500.000 km2
Italy = 300.000 km2
France = 550.000 km2
Spain also has much more territories than Italy
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 21:41:51

[NL] Hendrik
Level 58
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 21:47:16

Level 58
Jai, don't complain about stuff you can easily edit with a couple of number-key pressing.
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 22:07:44

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
"Probably the billionth Europe map around" was I going to say but I can't complain that to you because I've currently 3 Europe maps in development , 2 published an 1 abandonned lawl.

Looks like your taste is getting huger and huger, lucas. But be careful, huge maps need much patience and it's harsh to work to get them done. Creating a huge map means you're accepting to put an extremely amount of effort in it.

A thing I also noticed is all the unnecessary black space between the bonus borders. That's a problem which I never have but I'd better tell you my technique to split bonusses while creating clean bonus border shapes. Moros had teached me the ctrl+alt+c technique , maybe you could learn this too?


Can I also suggest to edit the French regions like this?
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 23:48:06

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
lol Ox you've gotten so hostile to me lately. What's wrong? That time of the month?

Also I was thinking bonus numbers should be based on actual influence not something as trivial as acres of land or number of territories. Because if a country just subdivided their land into a 1000 states then what? Should their country be worth 1000 armies per turn?
Europe Huge: 2015-11-07 23:56:44

Level 59
Ox is just pissed at you leaving CORP "without reason" :p

And yeah, you could be correct, but think of it like this :

It's easier to make territories based on the current administrative divisions

It would make the map unbalanced if you gave the places with a higher number of territories (Spain) smaller bonuses and vice versa (Italy). Hence, it's better to do it that way. If you want a map of Europe by "actual influence", try out Issander's Europe by population density.
Europe Huge: 2015-11-08 00:07:03

Level 58
I would've made that remark to anyone. Complaining about something that can be changed is a waste of time. It's like saying "Why is the light not on yet?" while you stand right next to the switch. Regarding the only other possible instance, the "coming out of the closet one", I was irked that you took that opportunity to feel offended, when nobody else was. It was a good joke. Coupled with the fact that you seem to 1 up everyone, with remarks comparing humans to primates, or implying I'm female, makes it hard for me to believe that you were genuinely offended at all, at the - harmless - joke about making a comment about someone LITERALLY coming out of the closet. To me, it looks like it's negativity wherever possible.
Europe Huge: 2015-11-08 00:23:56

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
Complaining about something that can be changed is very utile. It can give its critics towards the mapmaker to make it much better of course. Complaints/critics will give you improvements. The mapmaker doesn't know everything what can be improved in his map and hereby he will ask for help on the map development forum. In the thread which the mapmaker created, people will usually give criticism. Criticism is crucial in development proces, don't get me wrong. Acceptable criticism are always followed by improvements.

With Jai's comment was nothing wrong. Lucas will listen to his criticism and hopefully he'll update his mape and create a better balance for bonusses.

If I were the mapmaker I would Jai better be grateful.
Europe Huge: 2015-11-08 00:39:29

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
It was honest to god just my opinion of the matter and how the map could be made better for a diplomacy based game, which is mostly what I play. I didn't mean to offend the map maker or to give useless criticism if that is what you think Ox. I'm just so sorry I can't be as smart and as wise as you Ox, but hopefully you can train me to be so one day I'll be as great as you.

Death I don't understand why Ox is mad at me even if I left CORP "for no apparent reason". I joined a new clan because they were experimenting with a different form of clan government and I was genuinely interested if I could help them out. We're making great progress btw and everything seems to be going nicely. I wished everyone at CORP good luck and told them I looked forward to playing games with them in the future. I just wanted to be in a clan where every player has more involvement and there was no intention to spite Ox.

Also I was genuinely irked at the dig taken at my clan leader about "coming out of the closet". Maybe I did overreact and that's my bad. I didn't know if the kid would be alright with the "joke" so I naturally just defended him. I have no idea why you inserted yourself into my annoyance with the post though and then had the audacity to bring our respective clans into it.
Europe Huge: 2015-11-08 01:33:22

[ESP] Pablo García
Level 58
Just one thing: I'M LOVING IT

I will love you forever if you finish this map lol, I had thought so many times about doing it but I have no time, hope you can finish it in more or less few time :)

And Spain is never overvalued ;)

Oh and also, mail me if you need help for Spanish territories and such, I'd prefer to have them well written.

Edited 11/8/2015 01:39:36
Europe Huge: 2015-11-08 06:33:05

Level 56
Another Europe map? Really?

I'm just going to put it like this: we don't need another Europe map. We do need many more. If you want to see what I mean, look for a map, one map, besides Eurasia, and world maps, that has both Sakhalin and Hokkaido. It's possible to find one. Then find a good, big (200+ territories) map. That is impossible. Warlight is extremely Eurocentric and this is horrible. Whenever someone is making a World map, they say, oh, it's been done so many times. It's really been done about 4 iterations: Issander's, Second World War, World Diplomacy, and 1.3. We have so many Europe maps, though, it's disgusting, the Eurocentrism.

If you're going to work on a map, do the one maybe with the continent that has more than half the world's population but scarcely 3 maps on Warlight. Sorry if it seems I am aggressive here, but I'm sick of it, nothing towards you personally, but you're just building more of it. Worse still, you're being West Europe-centric; it looks like Europe's centre is in Malmö. What will make your map rise above the others, say 1812, Europe big, Issander's Europe, and Thirty Years?

Edited 11/8/2015 06:35:30
Europe Huge: 2015-11-08 07:17:46

Level 55
Well, being another map of Europe doesn't automatically make it bad or worse than any other map of the continent. Europe is the continent that has some of the richest history and has a lot of cultural and ethnic diversity, which is why maps of it are so frequently made. Most of the Europe maps are spread out through different periods of history and, so every map has something different going for it and reflects a unique political period

Currently aren't only Modern Europe and Europe Big the only maps that use the modern day municipalities? If so, then I don't think another modern Europe map that is more detailed and has a different look is over-saturating. And that's the appeal of the map - a modern Europe done better.

And what's with the "Eurocentrisism" Is it so terrible that the map is showing a lot of western Europe and that the centre is Malmo. Seriously, if the center was, say Warsaw how would that make the map any better?
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