I also made the scramble for Africa:
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=739623This is a diplo based game where no European nations can attack each other without declaring war.
There are independent African states who are controlled by AI and these are a free for all.
I split the game into teams of different countries so there is a British team with all the British colonies in Africa and a French, etc.
I think I managed with the balance alright and I put some work into researching which countries fell under which colonies during certain times. European Powers that controlled parts of Africa but not a lot are clustered together in one team i.e Belgium,Spain and Italy.
All the powers are next to each other and because the borders have changed it makes for an interesting game since you might start in one country and not beable to complete the bonus since you missing one territory and the only way to get it would be declare war which puts the whole team at war with each other.