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Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 05:00:11

Level 54
Just check in to make sure you're still playing or want to play.
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 07:24:19

Level 36
Inshallah brother! I shall play
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 12:36:19

E Masterpierround
Level 58
check me in.
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 14:15:51

Level 60
Hello ladies :3

Check me in.
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 17:43:34

Level 58
Still in!
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 17:53:24

[EIC] Cade
Level 45
What's this?
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 19:01:40

Level 36
Look for the other Armies of the world threads
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 23:00:37

[WOLF] Akan Apire
Level 57
Checking in.
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 23:26:24

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 42
I'd like to join
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-17 23:30:41

Level 54
Alright. Again, people who'd like to join will be given very special roles.

The cutoff to check/sign in will be the 20th. At which point I'll establish some emails, we'll get ready for the preparation week. Prep week is basically an intro. Again, you'll see!
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-18 02:17:58

MightySpeck (a Koala) 
Level 60
My butt is ready!
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-11-20 01:12:14

Level 54
Okay i got shitty Internet so i can't log on through comp to get things set up. Just know I'll try to be getting mail threads started for this by tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get this started up by 23/11/15.

As for people with special roles,I'll get mail set up immediately.

Meanwhile, you should be thinking about your nation's position on these 10 topics :

1. Human Slavery
2. Conscription
3. Foreign Policy
4. Education
5. Gun Control
6. How to deal with the *to be announced*
7. Handling the *tba*
8. Fixing the *tba*
9. Nationalism
10. Government type
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-12-03 01:42:52

Level 54
Okay, I need everybody participating to start a mail thread with me titled :

"ATWRPG : (name here)"

ex. "ATWRPG : Fuckboi97mlg"

There, you will give me a short summary statement of your views on the 7 topics you were told to formulate an opinion on.

As for the other 3, those will be revealed as we progress.

We're off-schedule, but really things are fine.

As soon as I get all players who signed in or have decided to participate to mail me appropriately, I will start up the 2 proper threads. At which point I will probably begin making OOC updates on the OOC threads, and offering Plot-Fuel in the thread in which we will play in and be In-Character.
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-12-04 04:43:12

Level 54
I hate to bump, but a lot of people participating in this haven't mailed me yet so i have to make sure they're notified.
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-12-16 03:18:22

Level 54
Okay very few of you have mailed me and I'm disappointed, but good job for those of you that did. Now, I will try my best to start up the mail threads with those of you who were too lazy or couldn't just read a notice..

Also, I will be starting the game very shortly, so be prepared./...
Armies of The World RPG Sign-in: 2015-12-16 07:56:35

Level 60
I was off-forums for quite a while, sowwy :(
Posts 1 - 16 of 16